The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Reader wants to break up with woman, worries for her

- Annie Lane Send your questions for Annie Lane to

Dear Annie: About a year and a half ago, I met a woman whom I liked very much. She moved in with me after about six months. After living together some time, I’ve come to see that our relationsh­ip is impossible and I would like her to move out. The problem is that she has nowhere to go. She has one daughter, whom she was living with when I met her, but the daughter is in the process of moving.

Her only income is Social Security, and that is $1,000 a month. She is a good woman, but impossible to live with. She doesn’t love me, and I feel used. She is 72, and I am 73. I can’t put her out on the street, but I’m not sure where to turn or what to do. I have been good to her and helped her as much as I can. Do you have any idea of how I can get out of this dilemma?

Time to Go

Dear Time to Go: This woman made it through 70 years of her life without you. Have a little faith that she’ll figure out how to carry on. Let her know as cordially as possible that this relationsh­ip is no longer working, and you’ll need for her to move out. Give her a deadline that you think is fair, whether that’s two weeks or a month or some other amount. But be firm on the deadline — and don’t delay in breaking the news.

Dear Annie: As an attorney, I was appalled and repelled to read “Not A Hugger’s” letter and how this man continues to stalk the women at his church for hugs. My husband (a retired cop) was appalled, too. She has been extremely tolerant of this behavior while trying to avoid it. What he is doing is stalking, harassing and assaulting the women, and it should be stopped. This is abuse, and the abuser is very clever in doing this at a church to make it look innocent. The legal definition of assault is an “unwanted touching.” That is what this man is doing.

I’m surprised that the priest has not stepped in to alter the situation. Or her husband. That’s my two cents worth.

Concerned Attorney

Dear Concerned Attorney: I’m always grateful to have my readers enriched with some expert advice, and I thank you for offering yours. Even if it doesn’t get to this point, knowing that you’ve legal ground to stand on can help you find firmer footing.

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