The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

A better way to take on drug addiction


“As a department that traditiona­lly has been on the side of enforcing and the accountabi­lity side of drug use, we recognize that our efforts have had very little, if no, impact in the reduction of people using drugs.”

New Haven Police Chief Otoniel Reyes

It’s easy to come up with arguments against a plan to distribute drug parapherna­lia on the streets of one of Connecticu­t’s largest cities, where drugs and crime have long plagued the life of residents. Using illegal drugs is supposed to be discourage­d, so why would anyone in a position of authority do anything to make it easier?

New Haven, though, last week announced that it has started distributi­ng free plastic bags that contain items including clean needles, sterile glass pipes and informatio­n about local rehabilita­tion services to people who have been released from the city’s detention facility. It’s part of an initiative to use “harm reduction” principles to curb addiction and a turn away from what are considered the failed policies of the long-running “War on Drugs.”

For now, part of the plan is on hold. The State’s Attorney’s Office says the glass pipes in the packets could pose complicati­ons to future legal cases involving drug parapherna­lia, and the city will wait for a clarificat­ion of state law before going ahead with that aspect. But the reasoning behind the plan is sound, and it’s one other communitie­s should explore.

“The focus of this program is harm reduction,” New Haven Police Chief Otoniel Reyes said this week. “As a department that traditiona­lly has been on the side of enforcing and the accountabi­lity side of drug use, we recognize that our efforts have had very little, if no, impact in the reduction of people using drugs.”

This is dispiritin­g to consider, but important. For all the millions of dollars spent on enforcemen­t and thousands of people who have spent time behind bars, some serving extraordin­arily long sentences, the tactics that police have used to fight drugs over recent decades have had little to no impact in reducing the numbers of addicts.

The harm reduction that New Haven seeks to encourage includes “meeting people where they are, and … creating opportunit­y for people that are on a destructiv­e path, to hopefully give them a chance to find a way out,” Reyes said. It doesn’t mean law enforcemen­t stands down, but it does mean that a rethink of proper strategies is necessary. New Haven is smart to lead the movement.

City and health officials have compared the distributi­on of glass pipes to needle exchange programs, which have been in effect for decades and have helped cut the spread of communicab­le diseases. A change in state law in the 1990s removed syringes from a statute defining drug parapherna­lia, and the same should happen for glass pipes like those in the harm reduction kits.

The prevailing wisdom for too long in this country has been to treat drug addiction as a moral failing rather than as a health care issue. The result is a waste of police resources, thousands of people locked up for years on end and a lack of improvemen­t in the state’s addiction statistics. It only makes sense to reconsider how we go about this fight.

The result, if other communitie­s adopt similar policies, could be not just a drop in overdoses and spread of disease, but the decline in addiction rates that was supposed to be the goal all along.

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