The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Father Robert Tucker: The wisdom of silence


Growing up, my dad reminded me, “Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it!”

Our first reading from the Book of Kings has young Solomon meekly asking God for wisdom and understand­ing, so that he might properly distinguis­h right from wrong and judge with kindness and compassion.

In the Gospel of Matthew, a random person discovers a buried treasure, and a merchant searching for fine pearls finds a pearl of great price. How do these people respond? How would you respond?

Wisdom teaches us to recognize the treasure that may be overlooked by most people, buried deep inside the heart that takes quiet, patience, attention and love to discern. This is a real treasure, and not a superficia­l one. It is silent, reflective wisdom that gives the finder an understand­ing heart to make the right judgment and value the real treasure.

Yahweh, in the first reading, is delighted with Solomon that he made the right request for an understand­ing heart and not for anything for himself. Note that Solomon did not ask for an understand­ing mind, but an understand­ing heart, so that he might know in his heart what is right. What wisdom and what a gift to receive a heart that is wise and understand­ing!

It is so easy to seek worldly riches, success, lots of land and more of anything and everything we desire — but that is not real wisdom. Wisdom teaches us to recognize true treasures that might be overlooked by most people. These are treasures buried deep inside someone, hidden away from those who only see superficia­lly.

The real treasure and pearl of great price that we must daily dig for and aim to get is eternal life. This means making a wise choice of the heart for God and Neighbor. It is so easy to get busy and spend all our time, energy and effort on worldly treasures and be apathetic or indifferen­t toward living out the Two Great Commandmen­ts. The real treasure from the heart, of course, is Love.

St. Paul in our second reading expresses a great silent, wise outlook on life. “We know that all things work for good for those who love God.” This should help us to keep a positive attitude and to keep going as we seek the true loving, compassion­ate wisdom of the heart. Treasures and pearls are still highly prized, but in fact silence, true and wisdom are the best.

Think about the story of the parrot. A family had a new parrot at the beginning of the coronaviru­s pandemic. It began to be fresh in its actions and pick up bad words from living with that family.

One day, the mom picked up the parrot after many times of reprimandi­ng it to be silent and good, and shoved it in the freezer for a few minutes.

When she took the parrot out it was so sorry for all it had done and said and promised her he would be better. But, the parrot said he had one question: “What did that chicken say or do that is so solid in there?”

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