The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Expert: Beach bans are ‘outright discrimina­tion’

- By Erin Kayata and Rob Marchant

Brenden Leydon was a law student when he was turned away from jogging at Greenwich Point because he didn’t live in town.

The Stamford resident felt it was so unjust that he filed a lawsuit that led to a 2001 state Supreme Court ruling prohibitin­g Connecticu­t municipali­ties from banning nonresiden­ts from their beaches.

But Leydon and others are saying some communitie­s are now using the COVID-19 pandemic to skirt the Supreme Court ruling.

Communitie­s like Stamford, Norwalk, Fairfield and East Haven have banned nonresiden­ts from their beaches on weekends, claiming overcrowdi­ng under limited capacity could spread COVID-19. While some have questioned the legality of the bans, leaders of these communitie­s have cited emergency orders relating to the coronaviru­s that give them the authority to take such measures during the pandemic.

Even Gov. Ned Lamont said last week in response to the beach bans that “extraordin­ary measures” are needed to stop the spread of the coronaviru­s.

“You can do extraordin­ary measures during a pandemic, but you can’t use a pandemic as an excuse to carry out what you wanted to do beforehand,” Leydon said last week in an interview with Hearst Connecticu­t Media.

Leydon isn’t the only one questionin­g the legality of the bans.

“We’ve consistent­ly seen over the years that exclusiona­ry communitie­s have used moments ... to adopt these types of exclusiona­ry measures and do so in the name of public safety,” said Andrew Kahrl, a professor at the University of Virginia and author of “Free the Beaches,” a book about the fight over access to Connecticu­t beaches. “They’re conflating two entirely separate issues here. One is limiting the crowds, which everyone should support. But they’re conflating that real public concern to help limit crowd sizes with keeping nonresiden­ts out of public spaces. The two are entirely separate issues.”

The ACLU of Connecticu­t has also spoken out against these policies, saying municipali­ties could limit beach visitors on a first-come, first-served basis.

“There are clear signs here local officials seem to be operating under the notion their residents are more responsibl­e than other people,” Kahrl said. “There’s a lot of assumption­s baked into some of these policies. They only rarely express them in the open, but the thinking is people who are maybe of a more working-class background and are not as educated are going to be more of a threat because they’re not as responsibl­e. That is outright discrimina­tion.”

The recent ban is the latest hurdle facing nonresiden­ts trying to access the Connecticu­t shore. Kahrl said after the 2001 Supreme Court ruling, towns up and down the Gold Coast found ways to make beach access to out-oftowners “as complicate­d and daunting as possible.”

Greenwich crafted a policy requiring nonresiden­ts to pay for both visitor and parking passes, which can only be purchased at town civic centers. Greenwich is now one of the few towns in lower

Fairfield Couny allowing nonresiden­ts to purchase passes on weekends.

Westport was criticized in 2018 for hiking annual beach passes for nonresiden­ts to $750 and reducing the amount available nearly in half.

“It’s all jumping though various hoops, which in practice you could say is designed to discourage people from using the public beach,” Kahrl said.

Greenwich attorney Lindy Urso has been skeptical of the state’s efforts to place restrictio­ns to stop the spread of the virus, while noting municipali­ties were within their rights to restrict access to nonresiden­ts. Though, he added, these town ordinances could be challenged.

Urso filed a lawsuit of his own against Lamont in April when the governor ordered face coverings to be worn in public when social distancing was not possible. Urso argued the order infringed on his civil liberties.

“The virus has traveled the curve, we’re on the back end of it here in Connecticu­t,” he said. “I don’t think any of these measures have done anything, the masks didn’t do anything. The virus has followed its natural curve.”

Urso said he didn’t think efforts to minimize congestion at beaches or parks would have an appreciabl­e effect on public health.

But Kahrl said the bans could remain in effect unless someone files a complaint.

“I’m sure these are going to be challenged in the courts,” he said. “There’s already signs they’re being challenged. This has been a longstandi­ng tension in the state. The beaches have been a broader symbol of inequities in the state. There’s a lot of simmering anger and resentment over this. There’s real division along racial and class lines in the state and they’ve found expression through conflicts like this. It’s about beaches, but it’s also about injustice and inequities in other areas of life.”

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 ?? Tyler Sizemore / Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? Greenwich’s Karen Clarke and her daughter, Paige, 5, play on the beach at Greenwich Point Park on June 18.
Tyler Sizemore / Hearst Connecticu­t Media Greenwich’s Karen Clarke and her daughter, Paige, 5, play on the beach at Greenwich Point Park on June 18.

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