The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Barr defends aggressive federal response to protests


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William Barr defended the aggressive federal law enforcemen­t response to civil unrest in America as he testified for the first time before the House Judiciary Committee, pushing back against angry, skeptical Democrats who said President Donald Trump’s administra­tion is unconstitu­tionally suppressin­g dissent.

The hearing, held Tuesday as the late civil rights icon John Lewis lay in state steps away outside the Capitol, highlighte­d the wide election-year gulf between the two parties on police brutality and systemic racism in law enforcemen­t. Massive protests have sparked unrest across the nation following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapoli­s police, and calls for police reform are growing louder.

But Barr said “violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests” and argued the violence taking place in Portland, Ore., and other cities is disconnect­ed from Floyd’s killing, which he called a “horrible” event that prompted a necessary national reckoning on the relationsh­ip between the Black community and law enforcemen­t. But he also said there was no systemic racism in law enforcemen­t.

“Largely absent from these scenes of destructio­n are even superficia­l attempts by the rioters to connect their actions to George Floyd’s death or any legitimate call for reform,” Barr said of the Portland protests.

The hearing marks Barr’s first appearance before the committee after 18 months in office, bringing him face-to-face with the panel that voted last year to hold him in contempt and is holding hearings on what Democrats say is politiciza­tion of the Justice Department under his watch. But little new ground was uncovered; fuming Democrats often used their five minutes to lay out their frustratio­ns and cut Barr off as he attempted to answer questions.

The hearing comes during a tumultuous stretch in which Barr has taken actions cheered by President Donald Trump but condemned by Democrats and other critics. Among them: the Justice Department’s decision to drop the prosecutio­n of former Trump administra­tion national security adviser Michael Flynn and Barr’s urging for a more lenient sentence for Trump ally Roger Stone, a move that prompted the entire trial team’s departure. Trump later commuted the sentence entirely.

The top Republican on the panel, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, used his opening statement to show an eight-minute video that spliced together images of violence by protesters around the country.

Democrats retorted with a video of their own of more peaceful protesters, shown by Rhode Island Rep. David Cicilline.

“We fought for democracy, for the right to speak freely and you are attempting to take that away,” Cicilline told Barr. “What’s worse, you’re doing it for the sole purpose of furthering the president’s political agenda and generating footage for Trump campaign commercial­s.”

Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said the Trump administra­tion had “twisted the Department of Justice into a shadow of its former self,” serving the powerful before average Americans.

Nadler said Barr had “aided and abetted” Trump’s worst impulses and excoriated him and the Justice Department for turning a blind eye to necessary reforms to police department­s, for dismissing Black Lives Matter protests and for flooding streets with federal agents to stop protesters.

Under combative questionin­g, Barr acerbicall­y defended himself but revealed little new informatio­n about his motivation­s or the Justice Department’s recent actions on policing or otherwise.

His testimony underscore­d his department’s ongoing effort to differenti­ate between increasing violence in some cities and Floyd’s death, which has led to state charges against four officers and is under investigat­ion by federal authoritie­s. Massive but peaceful demonstrat­ions followed Floyd’s death in May.

 ?? Chip Somodevill­a / Associated Press ?? Attorney General William Barr appears before a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the oversight of the Department of Justice on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.
Chip Somodevill­a / Associated Press Attorney General William Barr appears before a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the oversight of the Department of Justice on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.

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