The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Trump to blame for pandemic’s ills


As we near this fall election, let me remind you of who is personally responsibl­e for the dire effects this pandemic has had on our country: Donald Trump.

The president who, instead of taking action, said in February, “This is their new hoax” and in March, “it will go away. Just stay calm.” His total lack of leadership makes him personally responsibl­e for the death of your loved one. The one you couldn’t be with in the hospital as they lay dying, alone. The loss of your job leaving you crying at night because you have no idea how you’ll feed your kids or pay the rent. He is personally responsibl­e for your eviction. Donald Trump is personally responsibl­e for your children having to wear masks to school. Donald Trump is personally responsibl­e for your restaurant, hair salon, and day care going out of business. Donald Trump is personally responsibl­e for you being isolated in your home for months. Donald Trump is personally responsibl­e for you trying to figure out how you can work from home and have three children running around. Donald Trump is personally responsibl­e for you not having the wedding of your dreams after two years of planning. Donald Trump is personally responsibl­e for your child not having a real graduation. Donald Trump is personally responsibl­e for a panic over toilet paper. Donald trump is personally responsibl­e for my son, a nurse on the COVID-19 unit in the hospital, not having enough PPE to safely do his exhausting, stressful 12hour-a-day job.

Over 200,000 deaths to date. Read that number again. That’s deaths alone. That number does not include the tens of thousands seriously ill and suffering from the disease. Most of those deaths could had been avoided had we had a competent, intelligen­t, responsibl­e president. We don’t. We have Donald Trump.

C.L. Mathieu

West Haven

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