The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

The Democrats’ Ponzi scheme

- By Bob Stefanowsk­i Bob Stefanowsk­i was the 2018 Republican candidate for governor of Connecticu­t.

A Democrat-controlled legislatur­e has been deceiving Connecticu­t residents with a homegrown Ponzi scheme for decades. Named after Charles Ponzi, the swindler of the early 1900s, Ponzi schemes create the appearance of operating a legitimate business by using the money from new investors to deliver fake profits to earlier investors.

Sadly, this is exactly how government operates in Connecticu­t. Taxes are raised year after year to fund popular giveaways the state can’t afford, rather than investing in the structural reform needed to improve the lives of Connecticu­t families, even as they struggle to survive in one of the most unaffordab­le states in the nation.

Consider the economic dynamics of Connecticu­t today. We have the second highest taxes of any state in the nation. Our energy costs are higher than any state in the contiguous United States. And we have the third highest long-term debt at $85 billion. A quarter of the state’s budget is used just to service this debt — not investing in the future, but paying for the bad decisions of the past.

Career politician­s running the state’s finances have ignored this exploding debt, opting to spend the money now to garner just enough favor with constituen­ts to win the next election and stay in power. Think of it as going on a massive spending spree while making only the minimum monthly payment on a growing credit card bill. Most households are smart enough to avoid such irrational spending. So, why do we allow our elected officials to do it — and then stick us with the bill?

Despite Gov. Ned Lamont’s calls for a “debt diet,” the state’s unpaid obligation­s continue to spiral out of control. Connecticu­t’s state employee pension plan has only enough assets to cover 38 percent of what will be ultimately owed to retirees — the fifth worst-funded plan in the nation, with a whopping $76 billion shortfall! To delay the plan’s imminent collapse, Gov. Lamont and his predecesso­r Dannel Malloy stretched out pension liabilitie­s all the way to 2045, adding billions of dollars of debt onto the backs of our children and grandchild­ren.

In the interim, the state pension plan is its own version of a Ponzi scheme, with the money that is withheld from active workers’ paychecks put not toward their own retirement but toward current benefits to those already retired. What happens when the game of musical chairs stops, current employees retire and there is nothing left? Democrat leaders have essentiall­y said they’ll figure that out later — providing small comfort to state workers who are counting on this money for their retirement.

For now, the politician­s are able to pretend the crisis doesn’t exist because of two realities not of their making. One, Connecticu­t is getting an unpreceden­ted $6 billion allocation from President Biden’s COVID relief spending spree — funded with our federal tax dollars. Second, surging tax receipts from an all-time-high stock market have expanded Connecticu­t’s rainy day fund to more than $3 billion.

But both of these are one-time events, rather than recurring revenue. And come the next budget cycle, when this brief reprieve recedes, we will once again face a crisis of unsustaina­ble debt levels and a $2.2 billion budget shortfall compounded by a host of new programs sponsored by Democrat leaders today that they will no longer have the money to fund tomorrow.

Considerin­g the long-term budget crisis, you would think the governor and his fellow Democrats would use the current temporary surpluses to pay down debt. Instead, they continue to make government bigger and spend more, and the Democrats try to raise taxes yet again — this time by $3.2 billion over three years.

As just one example, the Connecticu­t Democrats’ spending plan would raise $1 billion in new taxes and put that into an “investment fund” for “building wealth in underserve­d communitie­s” and “reducing income inequality.” The investment­s will be overseen by a nine-person commission — chaired by the governor and appointed entirely by his party leadership, rather than voted on by the legislatur­e with open hearings and public debate.

Although those may be noble goals, they are being hijacked to create a slush fund to stuff the pockets of Democratic allies while the public is left in the dark. This is the very definition of a rigged system.

Every Ponzi scheme in history has eventually collapsed under its own weight when the amount of debt exceeds the ability of current participan­ts to service it. In Connecticu­t, fixed costs from Medicaid, retiree health care, debt service, pension contributi­ons and the like now make up 52 percent of the state’s annual budget. With more than half of new money being used to pay off old obligation­s, the state’s Ponzi scheme can’t be that far away from a horrible tipping point.

Deferring payments further into the future won’t solve the problem. Neither will building big slush funds for insiders to direct to whatever projects suit their best interests. Reigning in out-ofcontrol spending, creating incentives for businesses to move here, revitalizi­ng our cities and creating jobs will. This is precisely what we elect our legislator­s to do on our behalf.

But for more than a year now, under the COVID-19 emergency declaratio­n, one person has had unilateral authority to make all major decisions affecting the people of Connecticu­t: Gov. Ned Lamont. This has resulted in one of the most sluggish state economies in the nation and the seventh highest number of COVID-related deaths nationwide.

It’s time for the governor to let the legislatur­e resume its normal role of spending oversight, cost control, allocating money to where it’s needed most and providing input on public safety. In other words, it’s time to return democracy to the state of Connecticu­t.

Charles Ponzi himself couldn’t have created a more ingenious scheme than Connecticu­t’s ruling class have managed to put together. And while the politician­s in Hartford may never admit their house of cards is ready to collapse, state residents struggling to make ends meet feel the tremors every day.

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