The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

’Twas seven days before Christmas ...

- JOANN RYAN JoAnn Ryan is president & CEO of the Northwest CT Chamber of Commerce. You can reach her by email: joann@ nwctchambe­rofcommerc­ or phone: 860-482-6586.

’Twas seven days before Christmas, throughout the Chamber’s northwest.

Every business was bustling, preparing for the season’s best.

The angels were purchased, for you know we all care.

With high hopes the time would be special for all to share.

Each town was decked out in splendid array.

In preparatio­n for the 25th… hip, hip, hooray.

KidsPlay Chamber Holiday Celebratio­n drew a jolly good crowd.

Santa and guests loved Jacque’s music, that was not even too loud.

And I in my office very early each day.

Thought of the manner to thank those who inspire us in each way.

No time to relax, we must pick up the slack.

No settling our brains for any long winter’s nap.

When all through the region, the lights perfectly strung.

Amidst the beauty of trees, wreaths and bows flawlessly hung.

There arose such a clatter. I sprang from my office to see what was the matter.

Away to the doorway I flew like a flash.

Tore into my car heading out and about in a dash.

The moon on the crest of the much-awaited snow.

Gave light for my journey, since all initiative­s were a go.

When what to my amazement, real angels should appear.

Throughout the Northwest Corner they all were very near.

They knew what was needed.

Determined no wish would go unheeded.

With many a volunteer, so generous and kind.

I knew in a moment no one would be left in a bind.

More numerous than imaginable, Santa helpers they came.

And they worked and worked, and all continued the same.

When all met with an obstacle too hard to describe.

They continued on working to show that strong pride.

So out to the towns our special friends they all flew.

With many a gift and some laughter and fun too.

And then, in a moment, I realized what was true.

What was happening all around gave me the clue.

There was great interest from ages ninety-nine down to one.

The energy was generated through new partners by the ton.

Their eyes, how they sparkled, their choices just right.

They were gaining so much while making the season so bright.

They came in all sizes from all walks of life.

Doing so much to diminish challenges, sorrow and strife.

I laughed when I saw them daring to carry the ball.

They knew the true meaning without hitting a wall.

They spoke many a word and went straight to their work.

While striving to improve the economic climate without even a quirk.

All unsung heroes they are.

They hoped what was happening would be felt from afar.

They made sure all were involved and taken care of alike.

Be merry and bright, if magic works, won’t we be psyched?

They sprang to their posts.

Their teams we could boast.

Were by far, the very best of the best.

Away they all labored, with plenty of zest.

And I heard them exclaim as they drove out of sight.

My wish for you all that this spirit shines bright.

Not just in this season but throughout the whole year.

Let us remember to spread goodness to all who are near.

We’re lucky to live here, where people do care.

So here is a challenge for you if you dare.

Let’s continue to advance, day after day.

By working together, there’s no doubt we’ll improve the way.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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