The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Ethan’s Law facing challenge to become new national standard

- By Lisa Backus

The parents of Ethan Song, the Guilford teen who died in 2018 while handling an unsecured gun, are hoping proposed federal gun reform legislatio­n that includes provisions from Connecticu­t’s “Ethan’s Law” will move forward in the House and the Senate in the wake of the Uvalde elementary school shootings.

Michael Song appeared with U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., during a virtual news conference Wednesday touting the federal “Protecting Our Kids Act,” which would establish voluntary best practices for safe firearm storage, requiremen­ts to regulate the storage of firearms on residentia­l premises, create new federal offenses for gun traffickin­g and straw purchasers and raise the legal age to purchase a semiautoma­tic centerfire rifle from 18 to 21 years old.

The proposed law was set for a “historic” vote on the House floor Wednesday night, DeLauro said.

“It’s Michael and Kristin who brought us to today,” DeLauro said.

The Songs had good support for Ethan’s Law in Connecticu­t. However, Michael Song and DeLauro conceded that getting gun reform passed through the U.S. Senate will be a challenge. The Song family — who will attend a Paul McCartney concert in Boston to hear one of Ethan’s favorite songs, “Let It Be” — understand­s that change takes time and often comes in small steps, Michael Song said.

“Every incrementa­l step we take is moving toward a safer America,” Michael Song said. “We know everything is happening for a reason. My heroes are Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. I know how long they waited.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, guns have become the top cause of death for children, surpassing accidents and cancer, DeLauro said.

“The statistics can not demonstrat­e more clearly what we have to do,” she said.

“It’s Michael and Kristin’s law that will keep kids across the country safe,” added DeLauro, who said the proposed bill would make Ethan’s Law the national standard for gun storage safety. “No parent should lose a child to an unsecured gun,” DeLauro said before recounting Kristin Song’s journey to the cemetery last week when she learned that the proposed legislatio­n would be the subject of a vote before the House.

“She got out of her car yelling, ‘We did it! Your lifesaving legislatio­n will get a vote!’” DeLauro said.

Michael Song said the law was about not allowing a bullet to separate parents from a child.

“It’s just common sense,” Michael Song said. “When kids are around, we have to keep guns locked down.”

The Songs were instrument­al in the passage of Ethan’s Law, which requires firearms in Connecticu­t to be properly stored if there is the potential for a minor to gain access to the gun regardless of whether the weapon is loaded. The Connecticu­t law also changes the definition of a “minor” to anyone up to the age of 18. Under state law, teens had been classified as those 16 and under.

Ethan Song was 15 when he was fatally wounded while handling a .357 Magnum pistol at a neighbor’s house in 2018. The gun and two others were kept in a cardboard box inside a plastic container in the neighbor’s closet, according to state officials. The neighbor was not charged because state law did not stipulate that unloaded guns also needed to be secured, officials said.

“While each of the weapons were secured with operable gun locks, the keys and ammunition for the firearms were located inside of the same box,” Gov. Ned Lamont’s office said on the day Ethan’s Law was signed in 2019.

The proposed federal “Protecting Our Kids Act,” backed by DeLauro, would establish voluntary best practices for the safe storage of guns and award grants for Safe Firearm Storage Assistance Programs. It would also provide a tax incentive to dealers for 10 percent of amounts received from the sale of safe storage devices, the House Judiciary Committee Chair said in a statement following a June 2 vote to move the legislatio­n forward.

The federal law would also establish federal requiremen­ts to regulate the storage of firearms in homes and create criminal penalties for violations of the requiremen­ts, House Judiciary Committee Chair U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler said.

The law would also ban the sale of large capacity magazines except under certain circumstan­ces, tighten regulation­s regarding “ghost guns,” home-built firearms without a serial number and establish new federal offenses for gun traffickin­g.

“The American people are hungry for real solutions to the unconscion­able wave of gun violence that is sweeping our country,” Nadler said in the release after the proposed legislatio­n was voted out of committee. “The time for stalling, obstructio­n and obfuscatio­n in the face of senseless killing after senseless killing is over. The bold package we passed today will not only help prevent the next Uvalde or Buffalo, it will also keep our communitie­s and schools safer by addressing many of the loopholes that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands.”

 ?? Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images ?? Kristin Song, mother of Ethan Song, listens during a House Judiciary Committee hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building on June 2 in Washington.
Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images Kristin Song, mother of Ethan Song, listens during a House Judiciary Committee hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building on June 2 in Washington.

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