The Register-Guard

Willamette names Line as new head coach

- Edith Noriega

Willamette High School hosted a meet and greet Monday night to introduce new head football coach Josh Line.

Line spoke to Willamette and Bethel students, families and the community for just over an hour about the football program.

Line said after the meeting he thought the response from the community was “really positive.”

“It’s really exciting to have such a big turnout tonight,” Line said. “Hopefully we can capitalize on the momentum and the enthusiasm that’s around what we’re trying to accomplish.”

Line attracted to Willamette football job for work, life balance

Line resigned as the Sheldon head football coach in December to prioritize time with his family.

He said part of what attracted him to the Willamette job was the administra­tion’s focus to allow him to balance family and work, praising the “quality of the human beings I’ll be working with.”

“I was very attracted,” Line said. “Knowing that I’m going to be able to work with people who have that mindset of family first but also wanting someone that’s going to come in and work hard and try to build a program here.”

A focus on building Wolverines program

Line replaces Kevin Leonard, who coached the Wolverines to a 5-22 record the last three seasons. Willamette finished the 2023 season 0-9.

He said he wasn’t under the impression the job was going to be easy and is excited by the challenge.

“I’m a hard worker, always have been, and this community deserves someone to come in and work hard. I think that there’s a lot of opportunit­y that exists here and that’s why I chose to take this step.”

As far as his coaching staff, Line said applicatio­ns were posted Monday and will stay open for 10 days.

“My predecesso­rs here did a great job,” Line said. “Your win-loss record

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