The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Russia’s designs on Crimea

- Joshua Keating is a staff writer at Slate focusing on internatio­nal news, social science and related topics. He was previously an editor at Foreign Policy magazine.

Unidentifi­ed gunmen - almost certainly working on Russia’s behalf if not if actually Russian military personnel themselves - have seized two airports in Crimea, while separatist militia groups calling themselves the Russian Bloc have set up checkpoint­s on major highways in the region.

The new interior minister in Kiev has accused Russia’s Sevastapol-based Black Sea Fleet of taking part in the unrest, calling it an “armed invasion,” which a fleet spokesman has denied. Meanwhile, crowds of pro-Russian protesters have gathered outside the Crimean parliament chanting “take us back.”

Russia may not be annexing Crimea, and thus far has expressed no desire to do so, but at the very least the region is clearly falling out of Kiev’s control. So is there anything anyone can do about it?

Options seem limited. The fragile new Ukrainian government, which has other problems, not the least of which is keeping other parts of the country from splitting off, doesn’t really seem as if it’s in a position to retake Crimea by force, risking a full armed interventi­on by the Black Sea Fleet. These moves likely violate the 1994 agreement between the U.S. and Russia under which Moscow agreed to respect Ukraine’s sovereignt­y within its current borders in return for Kiev giving up its Soviet-era nuclear weapons. Beyond verbal warnings, the United States certainly seems extremely unlikely to intervene.

So far, no one beyond the hardcore pro-Russian street protesters is talking about full absorption of Crimea into Russia. The Crimean parliament is just talking about greater autonomy for the region. From exile in Russia, Viktor Yanukovych says Crimea “should stay within the boundaries of Ukraine,” though he appears a bit detached from reality at this point. And while there is significan­t separatist sentiment in Crimea, I don’t think we can say for sure that it’s the majority.

If I had to guess, the most likely scenario at this point seems to be Crimea settling into a state of frozen conflict along the lines of Transnistr­ia in Moldova or Georgia’s breakaway regions - a de facto autonomous territory under the heavy influence of Moscow still technicall­y considered by Kiev and its western allies to be part of Ukraine.

If this is the outcome that comes about, I have a feeling a lot of people will read it as evil genius Putin once again getting over on the West. But gaining de facto control over yet another dysfunctio­nal pseudostat­e, essentiall­y ensuring longterm tension with Kiev in the process, certainly doesn’t seem as good an outcome as what Russia thought it was getting a month ago: a government of the whole of Ukraine tied economical­ly and politicall­y to Russia rather than Europe. This isn’t really a great outcome for anyone.

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