The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

The gay rights fight


A federal judge last week struck down Texas’ ban on same-sex marriages, the latest in a string of conservati­ve states where judges have condemned discrimina­tory laws. U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia ruled that even under the laxest standard of judicial review, the state’s restrictio­ns have no rational relationsh­ip to any legitimate government­al purpose. Judges in Kentucky, Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah and Virginia recently filed rulings favoring same-sex marriage on similar grounds. The cause of gay and lesbian equality continues to advance faster and farther than anyone would have anticipate­d not long ago.

The advance is neither guaranteed nor universal, however. In this country, higher courts could still pull back, and the interplay between redstate politics and judicial rulings remains uncertain. More alarming is the advance of bigotry in countries such as Russia, Nigeria and, most recently, Uganda. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Monday signed a repressive law to punish homosexual behavior. The law makes “aggravated homosexual­ity” a crime, punishable by a 14-year prison sentence for the first offense and a life term thereafter. Declining to report homosexual activity is another offense, as is counseling gays and lesbians. The most immediate consequenc­e may be the anti-gay vigilantis­m the law encourages. The day after Museveni signed the law, a Ugandan newspaper published the names of the country’s “top 200 homos.”

In response to Western outrage, Museveni declared, “There’s now an attempt at social imperialis­m, to impose social values.” It’s worth examining that sentiment. By what right do President Obama and other agents of the U.S. government demand that other countries adopt mores that are only just gaining a strong foothold here? The strides the United States has made in gay and lesbian rights are new and nowhere near universall­y accepted. Many states and the federal government still do not bar discrimina­tion based on sexual orientatio­n. Most states still don’t allow same-sex marriage. Following Arizona, other states are considerin­g proposals meant to ensure that business owners can turn away gay or lesbian customers.

But every country, no matter its level of developmen­t, has a basic moral duty to respect the inherent dignity of its people — all of its people. On that measure, Uganda obviously failed. We can debate whether a baker should have a choice about catering a same-sex wedding. There should be no debate — there can be no defense — of government policies that devalue and endanger human beings.

Judge Garcia found that Texas’ laws against gays and lesbians marrying “demean their dignity for no legitimate reason.” That’s a valuable standard to keep in mind in evaluating new laws, whether they encourage discrimina­tion in Arizona or persecutio­n in Uganda.

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