The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

New cookbook shows you how to eat European-style

- By CINDY SUTTER The Daily Camera

DEAR ABBY: My 13-year-old daughter, “Lizzie,” continues to talk to a 14-year-old boy who is very controllin­g and abusive to her. I made her stop talking to him, took away her cellphone privileges, and tried to show her how wrong he was for her and that she was going to wind up very hurt.

After recently giving her the cellphone back, I learned last night that Lizzie has been talking to him and lying to me about it. He sent her a text that if she didn’t answer his call within seven minutes, he was either going to shoot himself or cut himself. He included a picture of his arm with a knife held against it. She thinks that her compliance is all that’s standing in the way of this boy killing himself.

I’m scared for her safety, but she won’t listen to me because she “loves” him. When I called the boy’s mother about it, she became defensive and accused me of implying she was a bad mother. Please tell me how to handle this. — WORRIED MOM IN NORTH CAROLINA

DEAR WORRIED MOM: It’s time to have a nonconfron­tational conversati­on with your daughter about the dynamics of emotional blackmail, because that’s exactly what she’s experienci­ng. Your daughter needs to realize that the boy appears to have serious emotional problems and as much as she may love him, she’s not equipped to help him or to prevent him from hurting himself if he really wants to.

As long as Lizzie sees herself as a hero who is saving his life by sacrificin­g hers, he won’t get the help he needs. So if she REALLY cares about him — and I have no doubt she does — she will end the relationsh­ip because it isn’t a healthy one for either of them.

DEAR ABBY: A friend of mine, “Cameron,” has a problem. It’s his second year in college and he’s still a virgin. He gave his heart to a girl in the past, and it left him bitter, emotionall­y unavailabl­e and, unfortunat­ely, unlaid. He is outspoken, but deep down he lacks confidence.

How can my friends and I help him, and how can he help himself? — HIS BFF IN CALIFORNIA

DEAR BFF: You are well-meaning, but the person asking this question should be your friend Cameron. While the fact that he may be “unlaid” and “unavailabl­e” bothers you and your friends, it’s possible that it doesn’t bother HIM.

If and when Cameron does tell you he is troubled by it, advise him to visit the student health center and discuss it with a counselor because there may be complicate­d reasons for it. He doesn’t need help losing his virginity. But he may need help addressing his trust issues or he may always remain emotionall­y unavailabl­e.

DEAR ABBY: How do you feel about young adults using the F-word in public? My sweetie, a mom of two, insists the word is becoming accepted. I am of the “old school,” and I maintain that the word is tasteless and shouldn’t be used in public. What do you think? — KEEPING IT CLEAN IN MASSACHUSE­TTS

DEAR KEEPING IT CLEAN: I think that, regardless of age, the F-word should not be used in public — and if it’s used in private, it should be reserved only for “special occasions.”

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Good advice for everyone — teens to seniors — is in “The Anger in All of Us and How to Deal With It.” To order, send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Anger Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling are included in the price.)

How much can a welltraine­d, highly experience­d registered dietitian and nutritioni­st learn about food from living in Europe?

Quite a bit, as it turns out. Layne Lieberman, who now lives in Boulder, spent two years in Europe after her husband took a job there. The knowledge she garnered was not a strict list of foods to eat and foods to shun. It wasn’t a magic food that everyone should eat more of. Nor was it an appreciati­on for the nutritiona­l components of food such as calories or carbs.

Instead it was a true understand­ing of how foods of all sorts are truly integrated into a culture, how high-quality, local foods are held in high regard and how shopping for food is informed by a relationsh­ip with the purveyor.

“They aren’t so focused on the nutrition panel,” Lieberman says of the people in the three countries she focuses on in a new cookbook: Switzerlan­d, France and Italy.

“They’re touching, tasting, smelling. It was a sensory response to food. Food is an enjoyment.”

Lieberman’s cookbook includes her observatio­ns, data on the three countries’ health profiles — she chose the three healthiest in Europe — and 50 recipes that seek to meld the best elements of European food culture with a nod to how Americans cook and eat.

The book, “Beyond the Mediterran­ean Diet: European Secrets of the Super Healthy,” looks closely at each country and their traditiona­l foods and how some of their practices can be incorporat­ed into the American diet. The Swiss diet, for example, is high in dairy foods, with one or two servings of low-fat dairy such as kefir or yogurt accounting for a substantia­l amount of protein in the diet. Eating a small square of dark chocolate is common, and fermented foods are encouraged, along with plenty of water and herbal tea throughout the day.

In France, no foods are considered forbidden, but high quality foods are eaten in company and in moderation.

In Italy, fresh vegetables and fruit are eaten in abundance. Pasta is common, but sauced lightly and served in much smaller portions than is typical in America. Lentils, beans and nuts are an important part of the diet.

Lieberman says living in Europe, rather than simply traveling there, gave her a true appreciati­on of how Europeans value and nurture their food traditions. In Italy, for example, where the citrus fruit is beautiful, most people would never think of drinking a glass of bottled orange juice for breakfast, she says. Instead they would squeeze a fresh orange.

Doing so not only satisfies the palate with an incredibly vibrant juice. The orange itself has a built-in portion control — it would take a lot of oranges to fill the 12-ounce glass that Americans might glug down on the way out the door.

Similarly, in France, a croissant with jam makes breakfast. Sounds decadent, but as Lieberman points out, the croissants in France are considerab­ly smaller than those generally sold in the states. Such a breakfast in France is under 200 calories.

In addition, the food in Europe is of very high quality and rarely processed. Lieberman, who worked for 20 years as director of nutrition for a major supermarke­t chain in the Northeast, says the stores are smaller in Europe with many fewer processed food items. In addition, food is more tightly regulated, with additives receiving strict scrutiny and GMOs not permitted.

Yet, the book also recognizes the lifestyles of Americans. Thus, the “beyond” in the title. Lieberman who was diagnosed with severely high cholestero­l at age 9, takes care with saturated fats.

“I’ve had hyperchole­sterolremi­a my whole life. I understand how to control it,” she says. “I understand how to get through the clutter that’s out there.”

Through her training, Lieberman has learned that the diets shown through studies to have the best outcomes are the Mediterran­ean diet and the DASH diet — which leans heavily toward fruits and vegetables, with lean meats and lowfat dairy included.

Lieberman says the calorie density of fat, even healthy fats, means that it should be used in moderation. Rather than the 4 tablespoon­s of olive oil each day that some versions of the Mediterran­ean diet suggest, she recommends 1 tablespoon. She also likes to see fat coming from whole foods such as avocados or nuts. She also emphasizes low-fat dairy more than the typical Mediterran­ean diet does.

Bea Steiner, marketing director of Alfalfas Market, says the store recently hosted a book signing for Lieberman, because her book fit in with the lifestyle some of its customers are seeking. In addition to looking at European food culture, Lieberman places heavy emphasis on foods grown organicall­y and locally.

“We are always trying to promote health in one way or another,” Steiner says. “We try to bring in all sorts of different prescripti­ons.”

A big takeaway message is to take pleasure in eating and to eat slowly, which makes it easier to reduce American super-size portions to the normal portions enjoyed elsewhere.

“We are not enjoying food, not allowing our brains and stomachs to work togEther. It’s mindless eating, “Lieberman says.

She hopes her book can help to change that. THIN CHEESE

CREPES Serves 6 ½ cup white wholewheat flour ½ cup all-purpose flour ¼ teaspoon salt 2 large eggs plus 2 egg whites

½ cup fat-free milk or original almond milk

2 teaspoons extravirgi­n olive oil

½ cup seltzer or sparkling water

6 ounces part-skim or light ricotta cheese

6 teaspoons apricot fruit spread (100 percent fruit)

3 cups fresh seasonal fruit, diced

In a blender or food processor fitted with a stainless steel blade, combine whole-wheat flour, all-purpose flour, salt, eggs, egg whites, milk and oil until smooth, scraping the sides once or twice.

Transfer to a bowl, cover and refrigerat­e for at least 30 minutes or overnight. Slowly whisk seltzer into the batter. Heat a large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray over medium to high heat.

Ladle ½ cup batter into the center of the pan. Immediatel­y tilt and rotate the pan to spread the batter evenly over the bottom. Cook until the underside is lightly browned, about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Using a heatproof silicon or rubber spatula, lift the edge and then quickly grasp the crêpe with your fingers and flip. Cook until the second side is lightly browned, about 20 seconds. Slide onto a plate. Repeat with the remaining batter, spraying the pan as needed and stacking crêpes as you go. If the pan begins to smoke, reduce the heat to medium.

As you prepare your filling, cover crêpes with a paper towel or keep warm in a 200-degree Fahrenheit oven. To assemble, place a crêpe on a clean cutting board. Spread 2 tablespoon­s of ricotta and 1 teaspoon of jam in the center, leaving a 1-to 2-inch border.

Fold in the sides to make a square shape, leaving a “window” in the center. Press down on the corners, as necessary, to help keep the crêpe folded. Serve with ½ cup of fresh fruit per crêpe.

Note: White wholewheat flour, made from a special variety of whitewheat, is light in color and flavor but has the same nutritiona­l properties as regular wholewheat flour. It is available at large supermarke­ts and natural-foods stores and online at bobsredmil­ or kingarthur­fl Store it in the freezer.

Tip: For an easier version of this recipe, buy natural crêpe batter or prepared (pre-made) crêpes in your food market. Prepared (imported from France) crêpes are often sold in the produce aisle.

Source: Beyond the Mediterran­ean Diet: European Secrets of the Super-Healthy

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