The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Study: Abortions declining in nearly all states

- By David Crary AP National Writer

Abortions have declined in states where new laws make it harder to have them — but they’ve also waned in states where abortion rights are protected, an Associated Press survey finds. Nearly everywhere, in red states and blue, abortions are down since 2010.

Explanatio­ns vary. Abortion-rights advocates attribute it to expanded access to effective contracept­ives and a drop in unintended pregnancie­s. Some foes of abortion say there has been a shift in societal attitudes, with more women choosing to carry their pregnancie­s to term.

Several of the states that have been most aggressive in passing anti-abortion laws — including Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, and Oklahoma — have seen their abortion numbers drop by more than 15 percent since 2010. But more liberal states such as New York, Washington and Oregon also had declines of that magnitude, even as they maintained unrestrict­ed access to abortion.

Nationwide, the AP survey showed a decrease in abortions of about 12 per- cent since 2010.

One major factor has been a decline in the teen pregnancy rate, which in 2010 reached its lowest level in decades. There’s been no official update since then, but the teen birth rate has continued to drop, which experts say signals a similar trend for teen pregnancie­s.

The AP obtained the most recent abortion numbers from the health department­s of all 45 states that compile such data on a comprehens­ive basis. (States not compiling such data are California, Maryland, New Jersey, New Hampshire and Wyoming.) With one exception, the data was from ei- ther 2013 or 2014 — providing a unique nationwide gauge of abortion trends during a wave of anti-abortion laws that gathered strength starting in 2011.

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