The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Ferguson tragedy spurs new measures

Activists want more

- By David A. Lieb

JEFFERSON CITY, MO.>> When a white Ferguson policeman fatally shot a black 18-yearold nearly a year ago, the St. Louis suburb erupted in violent protests and the nation took notice. Since then, legislator­s in almost every state have proposed changes to the way police interact with the public.

The result: Twenty-four states have passed at least 40 new measures addressing such things as officerwor­n cameras, training about racial bias, independen­t investigat­ions when police use force and new limits on the flow of surplus military equipment to local law enforcemen­t agencies, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

Despite all that action, far more proposals have stalled or failed, the AP review found. And few states have done anything to change their laws on when police are justified to use deadly force.

National civil rights leaders praised the steps taken by states but said they aren’t enough to solve the racial tensions and economic disparitie­s that have fueled protests in Ferguson, Baltimore, New York and elsewhere following instances in which people died in police custody or shootings.

“What we have right now in the country is an emerging consensus as to the need to act,” said NAACP President Cornell William Brooks. “What we don’t have is a consensus as to how to act, what to act on and how to do this in some kind of priority order.”

The Aug. 9 shooting of Michael Brown, an un- armed 18-year-old who had scuffled with Ferguson officer Darren Wilson, came just a few weeks after Eric Garner — an unarmed black man accused of illegally selling cigarettes — died in a struggle with white New York City officers. Garner’s death was captured by an onlooker’s video. Brown’s was not, and word quickly spread that he had been shot while surrenderi­ng with his hands up — an assertion uncorrobor­ated by state and federal investigat­ions.

Some Ferguson protesters burned stores and threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at heavily armored police, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds — all under the lens of live, national media coverage. The protests again turned violent when a Missouri grand jury decided not to charge Wilson. And sim- ilar riots broke out in Baltimore in April following the funeral of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died after being injured in police custody.

The AP analysis of legislatio­n passed in all 50 states found the greatest interest in officer cameras that can capture what transpires between police and civilians. Sixteen states passed body-camera measures this year, ranging from resolution­s merely creating study panels to state grants subsidizin­g cameras and new laws on how they can be used. Numerous cities from coastto-coast, including Ferguson, also began using the cameras without waiting for legislativ­e direction.

“Right now, all law enforcemen­t has an image problem,” said California Assemblyma­n Reginald Jones-Sawyer, a Democrat from Los Angeles whose budget subcommitt­ee allotted $1 million for a pilot project outfitting some Highway Patrol troopers with cameras. “They’ve got to show that they can police their own.”

Just three states — Colorado, Connecticu­t and Illinois — have passed comprehens­ive packages of legislatio­n encouragin­g body cameras, boosting police training on such things as racial biases and requiring independen­t investigat­ions when police shoot people. Colorado and Connecticu­t also are among several states that bolstered citizen rights to take videos of police.

Police groups have been urging lawmakers to proceed with caution when altering laws on the way they do their jobs. They stress that officers involved in shootings deserve fair investigat­ions and that surplus military equipment typically is used by police for defensive purposes. Any Ferguson-inspired changes should focus on training police commanders to make better decisions on when and how to use their officers and equipment, said Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police.

Police are frustrated by the tone of the national debate, he said.

“While we’re trying to save lives, politician­s are trying to save their jobs,” he said.

Police unions still hold considerab­le sway in some states, including in Missouri, where lawmakers filed about 65 bills stemming from the events in Ferguson. Legislator­s passed just one of them — a measure limiting munic- ipal court fines and traffic tickets in response to complaints about aggressive law enforcemen­t designed to generate revenue. Most notably, Missouri made no change to its law on when police can use deadly force, even though it apparently doesn’t comply with a 1985 U.S. Supreme Court ruling barring deadly force against unarmed fleeing suspects who pose no serious danger.

“As a state, we have not done much,” said Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who represents Ferguson and was among the protesters who were teargassed by police. “We have a bunch of chumps who are elected right now who are more comfortabl­e keeping the status quo.”

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who has rallied with relatives of Brown and Garner, described Missouri’s response as “disappoint­ing” and indicative of an “institutio­nal denial” of the need for change.

But Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon says the “landmark” municipal courts bill is an “important step.” A commission he created has proposed 148 steps to improve police and court policies, racial and economic equality and local schools. Nixon also created an Office of Community Engagement and a summer jobs program for young people in the St. Louis area.

Other governors also have acted without waiting for legislator­s. After a rookie Cleveland patrolman fatally shot a 12-year-old boy who was holding a pellet gun in November, Ohio Gov. John Kasich created a panel to develop the state’s first-ever standards for police use of deadly force. And New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order directing appointmen­t of special prosecutor­s to investigat­e police killings of unarmed civilians.

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 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? NAACP President Cornell William Brooks, right, walks with supporters on Dec. 5, 2014, as he nears completion of a 130-mile march from Ferguson, Mo., to the Missouri Capitol in Jefferson City to protest the police shooting of Michael Brown.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NAACP President Cornell William Brooks, right, walks with supporters on Dec. 5, 2014, as he nears completion of a 130-mile march from Ferguson, Mo., to the Missouri Capitol in Jefferson City to protest the police shooting of Michael Brown.

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