The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

For this writer, vacation eclipses addiction to news

- Kathleen Parker

During the past two weeks, I took a vacation. A real one, meaning I did nothing. Intentiona­lly, I avoided newspapers, television, radio, social media (mostly) and Wi-Fi, except to check the weather or the elevation of this or that mountain.

Of particular interest was nearby Sugar Mountain. Ski-lifted to the 5,300-foot summit, I joined a hundred or so others to observe The Great American Eclipse of 2017, the aptness of which can’t be overstated. What better way to celebrate the end of self-imposed nothingnes­s than with a 100-year event that reminds us of our small-itude.

Being on vacation and disengagin­g is hardly unique in August, I hasten to say. My respite was notable only for its rarity. Except for time off for unpleasant­ries such as a family death, illness or injury, I’ve seldom vacationed for two consecutiv­e weeks.

Unplugging from the susurratio­ns of our hyped-and-buzzed world was a challenge. Frankly, I wondered whether I would continue to be without knowing what was going on in the world — or whether wakefulnes­s would be possible without the demands of perpetual deadlines. If we are what we do, then what am I without the news?

This isn’t to say I was completely oblivious to the world’s goings-on. Given people’s delight in sharing news, I was blandly aware that North Korea was escalating, along with the president of the United States, but figured I’d know soon enough if things took a bad turn. No need to tune in.

I’d known pre-vacation of the coming eclipse. And multiple dinners with family and friends forced knowledge of the White House staff changes, including the exit of chief strategist Steve Bannon. I found, however, that such tidings were of little interest. After a few days wandering South Carolina’s beaches and North Carolina’s mountains, I was becoming a human puddle, unperturba­ble and immune to the emotional weather of Washington, D.C.

It is good to get away and to be reminded that, in the main, what most people care about are human stories, the meaning of things, the purposes to which we attach ourselves, how others muddle through. Yet, increasing­ly, we spend too much time obsessing over news nuggets, much of it generated by a nameless, inorganic, soul-less, buzz-fed entity that exists only if you seek it out. Social media, like the insect world, exists whether you see it or not. And it’s very-very-very busy.

This virtual world into which we umbilicall­y plug ourselves as fetuses to nourishmen­t is both unique to our times and predictive of a likely future that is disconnect­ed from all previous history.

Not since early humanoids first stood upright and began the march toward civilizati­on have people been so disengaged from each other as well as from the natural world.

In the midst of such chaos and the potential for doom, it’s little wonder that a solar eclipse captured our imaginatio­n. Even though a total eclipse of the sun occurs somewhere on Earth every 18 months, this one was extra special primarily because it was ours, stretching over a 70-milewide swath from sea to shining sea.

But mainly, The Great American Eclipse was needed — not to make America great again but to make it real.

In an age of narcissism and alienation, the eclipse provided not a rare event in the millennial scheme of things but a rare moment shared by humankind throughout the ages.

Shielding our eyes from the retina-burning infrared light of the magnificen­t and terrifying sun, we turned our faces to the moon and remembered that out yonder and beyond, there is something far greater than ourselves. What a relief.

And, yes, it is good to be back.

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