The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Tired of afternoon fatigue? Some ways to turn it around

- By LeeAnn Weintraub Special to Digital First Media

If you are finding yourself falling into that afternoon energy slump or feeling extra tired after a long day, there might be other factors that are draining you besides your active lifestyle.

Your everyday habits are could be zapping your energy without realizing it. Here are five important areas to focus on to boost your mood, sustain your energy level and feel better overall.

Too much sugar at breakfast

While skipping breakfast is not an ideal way to start your day, grabbing a cup of something caffeinate­d along with a sweet pastry is not much better.

Skipping breakfast may lead to poor food choices throughout the day and a high-sugar, low-fiber breakfast can cause a midmorning energy crash accompanie­d by hunger.

Plan for an easy and convenient breakfast that is satisfying and will keep you going until lunchtime. A breakfast that contains protein and fiber without much added sugar is key.

Try a piece of whole grain toast with avocado and an egg, plain Greek yogurt and a cup of berries or steel cut oats with nuts and seeds for the right balance of macronutri­ents.


Common signs of dehydratio­n include headache and fatigue, which may kick in even before beginning to feel thirsty.

The amount of fluid you need each day depends on different factors like your size, activity level and even the climate where you live. On average, most adults require about two liters of fluids per day.

Water is the No. 1 choice for hydration, but other beverages like milk and tea also count. Plus, foods like fruits and vegetables are super hydrating and can help your reach your daily fluid goal.

Not enough physical activity

Don’t let your low energy level cause you to skip your daily workout. This only makes the situation worse.

Regular physical activity including walking helps strengthen your body, improves endurance and recharges your batteries. Numerous studies show this is true even for individual­s with some health problems like cancer, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid ar-


As little as 20 minutes of exercise three times per week can make a difference and improve your energy level.

Lacking balanced macronutri­ents

Macronutri­ents are the sources of calories that fuel your body. We get energy from three macronutri­ents that are essential for health — carbohydra­tes, protein and fats.

Imbalanced eating and consuming too much highly processed foods may result in spikes and drops in blood sugar that cause irritabili­ty and fatigue. Choosing meals and snacks that pair carbohydra­tes and protein together helps to fuel your body and your mind, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and results in balanced and sustained energy.

For example, fish with brown rice and vegetables is a smart protein and carbohydra­te combinatio­n as is a snack of fruit with a serving of nuts.

Skipping meals

If you are too busy for breakfast and work through lunch and dinner, your body pays the price. Ensure you are adequately meeting your daily nutrition needs by eating on a regular schedule with meals every four to five hours.

Opt for a snack when there will be too much time in between meals to curb excess hunger before it hits. Skipping meals leads to a lack of essential nutrients that causes your energy and concentrat­ion to drop.

Plus, missing meals can lead to cravings and excess hunger, resulting in poor food choices later on.

While making positive lifestyle changes can help boost your energy level, tiredness and fatigue may also be due to medical reasons. If your energy level remains low despite overall improvemen­ts to your eating habits and lifestyle, consider consulting with your physician about your concerns.

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