The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

More questions for Kavanaugh

- George Will Columnist

“Why should we bother to reply to Kautsky?

He would reply to us, and we would have to reply to his reply. There is no end to that. It will be quite enough for us to announce that Kautsky is a traitor to the working class, and everyone will understand everything.”

— Lenin

Regarding the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Democrats have a Leninist aversion to argument. However, Republican­s could usefully ask these questions:

Would you dismiss, as Robert Bork did, the Ninth Amendment (“The enumeratio­n in the Constituti­on, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people”) as an “inkblot”? If you do think that with it, as with everything else, the Framers were precise, how do you do the duty they imposed of determinin­g retained rights? If judges should secure only enumerated rights, does that mean Americans had no rights against the federal government before the Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791?

In the Civil War’s aftermath, the 14th Amendment declared that no state could abridge “the privileges or immunities” of U.S. citizens, a phrase denoting the full panoply of rights of national citizenshi­p. But in the 1873 Slaughter-House Cases, the court construed that phrase so narrowly that it was effectivel­y expunged from the Constituti­on. Should the phrase be resuscitat­ed? Since the New Deal, courts have largely abandoned the protection of economic liberty. Instead, they have adopted the permissive “rational basis” test for judging whether government abridgemen­ts of this liberty are permissibl­e. Courts almost invariably hold that if government stipulates a reason for a law or regulation that burdens economic activity, or even if the court itself can imagine a reason, the court should permit the burden. What in the Constituti­on’s text or structure makes the “rational basis” test — the consignmen­t of economic liberty to inferior status — reasonable?

In 2004, the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an Oklahoma law — protection­ism for funeral directors — requiring online casket retailers to have funeral licenses, which require several years of coursework, a oneyear apprentice­ship, embalming 25 bodies and taking two exams. The court complacent­ly said: “While baseball may be the national pastime of the citizenry, dishing out special economic benefits to certain in-state industries remains the favored pastime of state and local government­s.” Does judicial tolerance of such enrichment of small factions constitute derelictio­n of the duty to protect the basic right to strive for betterment?

Given that essentiall­y all political campaign spending is for the disseminat­ion of political speech, are not restrictio­ns on such spending presumptiv­ely unconstitu­tional?

In 1963, President John Kennedy said Congress should “make a commitment ... to the propositio­n that race has no place in American life or law.” Is that propositio­n affirmed by the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of “equal protection of the laws”?

In 2007, Chief Justice John Roberts said, “The way to stop discrimina­tion on the basis of race is to stop discrimina­ting on the basis of race.” Is there a constituti­onal or statutory impediment to doing so?

Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson of the 4th Circuit says the administra­tive state “has come of age in constituti­onal silence, or perhaps in the interstice­s of the document.” This state “filled a vacuum left when the legislativ­e and judicial branches, for reasons of their own, ceded enormous authority to bureaucrat­ic judgment.” This is akin to the judiciary’s “rational basis” sloth: “The habit of deference to any ‘reasonable’ agency regulation or adjudicati­on under the agency’s enabling statute bespeaks a willingnes­s on the part of courts to take the easy way out.” “The great casualty of [the administra­tive state’s] growth has been democratic governance” as “the gap between governor and governed grows ever wider.” And “the noose around the private sector grows ever tighter and the checks on the bureaucrat­ic apparatus seem ever looser.” Do you agree with Wilkinson? If so, how should the court respond?

Finally: You will be the first justice to have been born and raised in the modern Washington metropolit­an and to have lived there almost your entire profession­al life. Has this immunized you against sentimenta­lity about the government being of, by and for “the people”?

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