The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to — mid-term elections?

- Kathleen Parker Columnist that

As the late Sen. John McCain’s departing call to national unity reverberat­ed across America this past week, Donald Trump’s prediction of violence should Democrats prevail in November’s midterm elections seemed both discordant and, well, weird.

The president issued his dire warning on Monday — two days after McCain’s death — to a gathering of evangelica­l pastors at the White House. Trump warned that if they didn’t rally their parishione­rs to turn out and vote Republican, Democrats “will overturn everything that we’ve done, and they’ll do it quickly and violently.”

I’ve nearly rubbed my chin raw from stroking it for answers.

What sort of apocalypti­c vision guides our commander in chief? What level of paranoia inspires such hyperbolic projection­s?

These questions are tendered as rhetorical exercise. We know what petty perdition this president has created for himself. And, sadly for the country, it needn’t have been this way.

Given the antipathy toward Hillary Clinton, Trump might have won the election without appealing to raw emotion and base fears. Later, he might have changed his tune as president and tried to appeal to a broader cross-section of Americans. Who knows? As McCain said, in this country nothing is inevitable. Trump might have united the nation in common cause.

Instead, he chose the ugly path. From immigratio­n, to health care and tax overhauls, to foreign policy, Trump took the low road. Thus, the less-rhetorical question is: How do these evangelica­l pastors sleep at night?

We know that many conservati­ves voted for Trump because he promised to appoint conservati­ve judges to the Supreme Court. We also know that Trump ran away with the evangelica­l vote.

But one must ask these men and women of the cloth: Is it really more important to hope for a Supreme Court that might reverse (or, more realistica­lly, erode) Roe v. Wade than it is to have a president of whom we can be proud? In whom we can trust to be thoughtful, honest and impervious to every little slight?

Does same-sex marriage, which a majority of Americans support, so offend these church leaders that they’d rather risk a nuclear matchup with North Korea? Or an increasing­ly tenuous relationsh­ip with Russia and China owing to Trump’s careless use of power to intimidate, insult and badger our geopolitic­al foes?

Is this of no consequenc­e to those who preach the word of God?

Granting the benefit of the doubt, Trump’s supporters early on might have deluded themselves into believing he wouldn’t be bad. But what’s their excuse now?

But Trump was surely serious when he spoke about the darkness that would descend upon the land if Republican­s lost the House. One would have thought he was speaking of the Islamic State or the Taliban, not fellow Americans with a different point of view.

Even stranger, he mentioned violence in the context of Antifa, a loose group of anti-fascists who are militant in their protest of white supremacis­ts, who have celebrated Trump’s presidency as a giant step for white mankind.

If Republican­s do lose Congress in the fall, it won’t be because evangelica­ls didn’t turn out to vote, though that surely would be a redemptive act.

It will be because of Trump himself.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll released Friday found that 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump’s job performanc­e.

Violence isn’t likely should Republican­s lose, but impeachmen­t probably is. This is what Trump anticipate­s and fears.

If evangelica­l pastors really want to help the country, they should urge their parishione­rs to read McCain’s last testament and heed his words: “We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe.”

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