The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Republican­s are mischaract­erizing their major policies

- Catherine Rampell Columnist

Republican­s have mischaract­erized just about every major policy on their agenda. The question is why. If they genuinely believe their policies are correct, why not defend them on the merits?

Consider the GOP tax cuts. Last year, Republican­s said their bill would primarily benefit the middle class, pay for itself and raise President Trump’s taxes, among other claims.

Not one of these contention­s is remotely true.

A more honest defense — and one occasional­ly revealed via accidental­ly-told-the-truth Kinsley gaffes — might have been something like: We want to let rich people keep more of their money, regardless of the cost to Uncle Sam.

We want this both because we (unlike most of the public) think that’s fair, and also because our donors are demanding a return on their investment in us.

Likewise with family separation­s, a policy Trump is considerin­g reviving.

In the spring, the administra­tion systematic­ally ripped immigrant children from their mothers’ breasts with no plan for tracking where they ended up or how to reunite these families.

The rationale, as gaffingly revealed by White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, was that such cruelty would deter asylum seekers.

But when voters recoiled, the administra­tion explained things differentl­y. Officials alternatel­y lied that the policy was designed to help children, was actually a Democratic policy or didn’t exist at all.

Lately, the biggest GOP lies involve health care — the top midterm issue for voters — and especially how Republican­s would treat Americans with costly medical issues.

The public has had ample opportunit­y to learn where Republican­s stand on protection­s for those with pre-existing conditions.

The party spent the past eight years, after all, trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, including these particular (very popular) provisions.

And while Republican­s failed to repeal Obamacare legislativ­ely, they’ve found other means to undermine its protection­s.

On Monday, the administra­tion issued new regulatory guidance that will effectivel­y allow states to nudge more people into junk plans.

And that’s just one of many measures the administra­tion has taken that will destabiliz­e the individual marketplac­es and jack up unsubsidiz­ed premiums for people with pre-existing conditions.

And yet, Trump continues to argue that “Republican­s will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not!”

Across the country, Republican politician­s shamelessl­y conceal their record on this issue.

Once again, rather than misreprese­nting their own positions, Republican­s could try to defend them on the merits.

For instance, they might argue that in their ideal capitalist society, it’s not government’s job to shield Americans from the financial risks of serious health conditions.

Every man (or woman) is an island, responsibl­e for his or her own health care.

If expensive illnesses befall some unlucky members of society, and they lacked the foresight or haven’t saved enough to plan for this risk on their own, then too bad.

Life ain’t fair.

You might wonder if maybe Republican politician­s are mischaract­erizing so many of their own positions because they don’t fully understand them.

But given that Republican leaders have occasional­ly blurted out their true motives — on taxes, immigratio­n and, yes, even health care — this explanatio­n seems a little too charitable.

Republican politician­s aren’t too dumb to know what their policies do.

But clearly they think the rest of us are.

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