The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

The Conservati­ve Dependency on the Cycle of Dependency Argument

- Roger Guttentag Harleysvil­le, PA

Lowman Henry’s February 3, 2019 commentary in the Reporter recycles the same arguments over how government perpetuate­s poverty since Ronald Reagan first talked in 1976 about “strapping young bucks” buying T-bone steaks using public assistance. Henry’s argument, using language derived from addiction treatment, is that government aid sustains a “cycle of dependency” by financiall­y enabling individual­s to evade their economic and social obligation­s.

At the heart of this argument are two key assumption­s. The first, as revealed by social researcher­s such as Arlie Hochschild, is the sentiment held by many that a significan­t segment of our population is line skipping ahead of the hardworkin­g rule-followers to undeserved financial benefits provided by misguided government policies. This, in turn, leads to the second key assumption which is that the solution should be to remove these perverse financial incentives to not work and, coupled with certain key reforms considered pro-growth (e.g. school vouchers, tax incentives for job training, more tax cuts) the economy will take care of the rest. There is no question that Henry is sitting on a pile of reports churned out by conservati­ve think tanks supporting this argument. The only problem is that there really is no data that conclusive­ly shows this is the best strategy or even the right one.

The national labor participat­ion rate has been dropping since 2000 and right now hovers around 63% for the last several years. Most social researcher­s and economists are still not sure why though many variables have been examined including government anti-poverty policies. These latter studies have shown that most recipients of public assistance would be classified as the working poor. There may, of course, be fraudulent participan­ts that are gaming the system just as there would be in any system where money is involved but how many fall into that category is really unknown.

However, a review of these discussion­s indicates that while work requiremen­t rules for any kind of public assistance are effective in reducing the number of beneficiar­ies, it is not the case that this eventually leads to their economic selfsuffic­iency. This is because the imposition of work requiremen­ts is not usually accompanie­d by increased funding for programs that either incentiviz­e work or remove significan­t economic obstacles to working such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, child care support, better access to public transporta­tion and apprentice­ship training modeled after similar programs in Europe as an alternativ­e to college.

In addition, staffing levels for the agencies administer­ing work requiremen­t programs are usually not increased or given additional resources to insure smooth implementa­tion or contact with all eligible recipients. What does seem to happen, as articles on these work requiremen­t programs emerge, is that many of those who were purged were unable to navigate confusing, onerous or even poorly communicat­ed work reporting requiremen­ts. An example is the Arkansas Medicaid work requiremen­t program which demands all reporting to be done online even though about 30% of beneficiar­ies don’t have Internet access. This appears to be the case that an over-burdened bureaucrac­y is desirable if it leads to a reduction of beneficiar­ies. Henry’s commentary is larded with many highminded platitudes about the dignity of work and the need to rescue those trapped into a life of indolence by the evil government. But he ignores completely the structural reasons for persistent poverty and recasts it merely as the exploitati­on of character flaws for political ends. It has the appeal of bumper sticker simplicity but in no way does it address what needs to be done and how.

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