The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Republican party is off the moral rails

- Michael Gerson Michael Gerson Columnist Because the moment is perilous. Because the moment is not permanent. Because the demands of conscience and justice remain pressing.

A former Republican officehold­er who was highly effective at his job recently asked me if returning to politics in the current atmosphere was worth the effort. Would being a GOP legislator in the Trump era involve too many sacrifices of principle? Does federal office even matter as much as it used to? Wouldn’t writing books or running a charity be a better use of time and talent? I understand the reluctance. Being a public official in 2019 not only requires constant fundraisin­g and family sacrifice, it involves the possibilit­y of being captured by smartphone camera at nearly every public moment and being subjected to constant internet calumny.

These concerns are a concentrat­ed version of a dilemma faced by many citizens. Is politics too damaged to justify our continued engagement as donors, activists and voters? Wouldn’t it be more effective and satisfying to improve the community in nonpolitic­al ways — giving to a soup kitchen instead of a politician, volunteeri­ng at a senior center instead of knocking on doors in a precinct?

The constituen­cy for compassion­ate conservati­sm (as a friend put it) is less of a political party than a dinner party.

The main messages of today’s GOP are demographi­c panic, ethno-nationalis­t pride and a nihilistic destructio­n of norms, institutio­ns and elites.

So why should a Republican run for office, donate to a candidate or even stay in a party that has gone off the moral rails?

My best answers:

The next two years may see a crisis of democratic legitimacy. It is quite possible that the pressures of investigat­ion could further destabiliz­e the president’s personalit­y, causing him to lash out in unpredicta­ble and unconstitu­tional ways.

It is quite possible that Trump will question the legitimacy of the 2020 presidenti­al election if he loses. In either scenario, responsibl­e Republican figures would be required to defend the integrity of federal law enforcemen­t or the electoral process.

And this may determine a great deal about the country’s future.

Having left behind a trail of ruin, Donald Trump will one day face his own reckoning — from federal law enforcemen­t, from the impeachmen­t process or from a disgusted electorate.

The essential work beyond that point will be institutio­nal repair. Someone will be charged with restoring honor, integrity and dignity to the office of president of the United States, to the leadership of the House and Senate, and to the Republican Party (if its reputation is not broken beyond repair).

Someone will be charged with reaching across jagged divisions and restoring a sense of shared national purpose. Someone will need to reknit the shredded democratic norms of civility, moderation and compromise.

Bluntly: The argument that citizens should take a break from politics because it is so corrupted and corrupting is often made by relatively comfortabl­e white people.

If you lived in a neighborho­od where the schools are dysfunctio­nal and the foster system is dangerousl­y broken, there would be no vacation from government­al failure. If you lived in a country where young women are routinely infected with HIV or where children die from malaria, America’s global role would matter greatly to you.

Those who downplay the importance of politics are generally insulated from the consequenc­es when governing goes wrong. The demands of justice do not go away when citizens are disillusio­ned with the practice of politics. To the contrary, the scale of injustice tends to increase as responsibl­e citizens abandon the political enterprise.

To my Republican friend thinking about running for office: We are headed into a time of political testing, when the right words from a responsibl­e conservati­ve might turn some crucial tide.

It is also a time when some form of a center-right party (whatever it is called) will be reconstitu­ted at the national level. And it is always a time when the suffering and vulnerable need allies.

Our nation was fortunate in the quality of its founders. Soon our political culture may require a re-founding. And this is a high calling.

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