The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Trump’s endless self-regard is being exploited on the world stage

- Michael Gerson Michael Gerson Columnist

I worked for a leader who was sometimes accused of lacking in the smarts department. But no one I know who spent time with President George W. Bush was left with that impression.

Bush took an almost gleeful satisfacti­on in picking holes in arguments, as any half-prepared briefer quickly learned. He was also an avid reader of history.

Most important to Bush’s political rise, he has a remarkable facility for reading the emotional contours of small groups. If someone is feeling ignored or reluctant to contribute a relevant point, Bush zeroes in to make him or her feel comfortabl­e and included. During the 2000 campaign, I recall a briefing on humanitari­an military interventi­ons, attended by all of Bush’s first-string foreign policy advisers. Not being one of them, I was seated at the periphery, in a chair with my back to the wall, trying to avoid notice. About halfway through the meeting, Bush paused and said to the group: “You know what I’d really like to know? I’d like to know what Mike Gerson thinks about this.” I sputtered something so forgettabl­e that I have forgotten it. But the memory of feeling valued remains.

People close to President Trump may well have similar stories of unsuspecte­d sharpness and acumen. But if this is a secret, it is a well-kept one. Trump has said he has no time to read. “I never have,” he said in 2016. “I’m always busy doing a lot.” People who brief him report a gnat-like attention span. Trump’s frequent accusation that others are stupid or “low IQ” sits uncomforta­bly with his own shocking ignorance of history, science and economics. Most recently, he seemed to understand “Western-style liberalism” as local governance in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Asked his view of busing, he judged it “a primary method of getting people to schools.”

There is not, of course, a necessary connection between brilliance and judgment. That said, it is evident that Trump’s combinatio­n of ignorance and arrogance exposes the United States to needless global ridicule. His misunderst­anding of basic economics — particular­ly his insistence that China will pay tariffs rather than U.S. consumers — has led to bad and dangerous trade policy. But Trump’s most consequent­ial deficit may lie in his emotional intelligen­ce — what political scientist Joseph Nye defines as “the self-mastery, discipline and empathic capacity that allows leaders to channel their personal passions and attract others.”

This ground is also covered by the term “temperamen­t.” And we are seeing what happens when presidenti­al temperamen­t is entirely absent. Trump’s lack of selfmaster­y often makes his interventi­ons in foreign and domestic policy spasmodic and unstrategi­c. His incapacity for empathy results in cruelty — see the migrant children at the border — that strikes at the moral core of American greatness. Trump is unable to find any value in the views of a political opponent, which puts both national healing and useful compromise beyond his abilities. He is only capable of governing on behalf of those who support him, making him vulnerable to manipulati­on through flattery.

This is bad enough in the context of American politics. It is worse on a global scale. Ultimately, the lack of presidenti­al temperamen­t leaves Trump unable to distinguis­h between American friends and autocratic rivals who play on his own vanity.

And this allows strongmen such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to murder, intimidate and attack Western liberalism under the protective cover of Trump’s narcissism.

Those who dismiss the importance of presidenti­al temperamen­t must reckon with the fact that Trump’s endless self-regard is being exploited — and easily exploited — to undermine the interests of the United States.

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