The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Iraqi blocs select new PMdesignat­e after weeks of jockeying

- By Qassim Abdul- Zahra and Samya Kullab

BAGHDAD>> Former communicat­ions minister Mohammed Allawi was named prime minister-designate by rival Iraqi factions Saturday after weeks of political deadlock.

The choice comes as the country weathers troubled times, including ongoing anti-government protests and the constant threat of being ensnared by festering U.S.Iran tensions.

The selection of Allawi, 66, to replace outgoing Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi was the product of many back-room talks over months between rival parties.

In Tahrir Square, the epicenter of Iraq’s four-month anti-government protest movement, demonstrat­ors rejected Allawi’s candidacy. Demonstrat­ors, who have long said they would not accept a candidate chosen by the establishm­ent, erected portraits of the new premierdes­ignate crossed with an “X.” Some chanted “Allawi out!”

But many feared they would clash with the hundreds of followers of influentia­l Shiite cleric Muqtada alSadr, who recently reversed a decision to withdraw support from the protest movement. Officials and analysts said that move was to gain leverage on the street as a deadline to select a new premier drew near.

“The square doesn’t want him, but the problem is since Muqtada has sided with (the elites) the square cannot refuse him,” said civil activist Kamal Jaban. “Otherwise there will be bloodshed.”

Al-Sadr’s followers returned in the hundreds the Friday night, three witnesses said, bringing tents and supplies and re-occupying a strategic high-rise overlookin­g the square known as the Turkish Restaurant, as well as the Jumhuriya Bridge, which leads to the Green Zone.

Al-Sadr issued a statement saying Allawi’s selection was “the wish of the people,” and asked protesters to carry on with the anti-government demonstrat­ions.

“The real rebellious Iraqi youth who want change and reform are alone tonight,” said Noor, an activist in Tahrir Square.

On Wednesday, President Barham Saleh gave parliament­ary blocs until Feb. 1 to select a premier candidate, or said he would exercise his constituti­onal powers and choose one himself.

In a pre-recorded statement posted online, Allawi called on protesters to continue with their uprising against corruption and said he would quit if the blocs insist on imposing names of mi nisterial appointees.

“If it wasn’t for your sacrifices and courage there wouldn’t have been any change in the country,” he said addressing anti-government protesters. “I have faith in you and ask you to continue with the protests.”

Allawi was born in Baghdad and served as communicat­ions minister first in 2006 and again between 20102012. He resigned from his post after a dispute with former Prime Minister Nouri alMaliki.

Abdul-Mahdi called Allawi to congratula­te him on the appointmen­t, according to a statement from his office.

Parliament is expected to put his candidacy to a vote in the next session once a formal letter declaring Allawi as a nominee from the president is submitted, after which he has 30 days to formulate a government program and select a Cabinet of ministers.

According to the constituti­on, a replacemen­t for AbdulMahdi should have been identified 15 days after his resignati on in early December under pressure from the protest movement. Instead, it has taken rival blocs nearly two months of jockeying to select Allawi as their consensus candidate.

Abdul-Mahdi’s rise to power was the product of a provisiona­l alliance between parliament’s two main blocs — Sairoon, led by cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, and Fatah, which includes leaders associated with the paramilita­ry Popular Mobilizati­on Units headed by Hadi al-Amiri.

In the May 2018 election, neither coalition won a commanding plurality, which would have enabled it to name the premier, as stipulated by the Iraqi constituti­on. To avoid political crisis, Sairoon and Fatah forged a precarious union with Abdul-Mahdi as their prime minister.

Until Allawi’s selection, alSadr had rejected the candidates put forward largely by Fatah, officials and analysts said. Sairoon appears to have agreed to his candidacy following a tumultuous two weeks. The radical cleric held an anti-U.S. rally attended by tens of thousands and withdrew support for Iraq’s mass anti-government protest movement, only to reverse the decision later.

“Sairoon has approved and Fatah has approved,” a senior Iraqi official said.

If elected by parliament, Allawi will have to contend with navigating Iraq through brewing regional tensions between Tehran and Washington. Tensions skyrockete­d after a U.S. drone strike near Baghdad’s airport killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and senior Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. The tumultuous event brought Iraq close to the brink of war and officials scrambling to contain the fallout.

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