The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Everyday Ethics: Free flow of ideas crucial to our democracy

- John Morgan

There’s a concept called the marketplac­e of ideas that has helped form the basis of a democratic republic. Like many other theories of how we govern ourselves, this concept came from the writings of John Stuart Mill, an English philosophe­r.

In his 1859 book, “On Liberty,” Mill argued that just as free markets are essential to economic life, so, too, are the free flow of ideas central to democratic life. Mill believed no one knew the absolute truth, so in the exchange of ideas, perhaps truth might emerge. That’s why the First Amendment is so important to us, protecting contrary ideas so that in the struggle, truths might emerge.

But this informatio­n age dominated by social media unreliable and sometimes downright lies influence what we believe. It’s difficult to know if there are any facts much less truths we can trust. So, we tune out opinions with which we don’t agree, seeking those that support what we do believe.

When I look at what is happening today, I am reminded of George Orwell’s 1949 novel, “1984,” when he portrayed a country ruled by fascists and tyrants, who controlled our thoughts and actions. “Big Brother is watching you,” the slogan of that kind of totalitari­an regime in the novel, where there is no free speech, and thoughts critical of the party in power can even be killed.

No wonder the Washington Post slogan, “Democracy dies in darkness,” is a clear warning of what happens when free speech is threatened, newspapers fold, and huge corporatio­ns become spokesmen for one political party.

Democracy dies gradually over time as we yield our abilities to think for ourselves and turn our thought processes over to those who represent what we already believe, in much the same way as Orwell’s “thought police” made sure there was only one point of view. Then the marketplac­e of ideas is gone.

We live in risky times as did our revolution­ary ancestors when they rose against British

domination and pledged their honor and lives to seek to start a new country based on the notion of liberty.

During such times as ours where it is difficult to tell what’s true or false, there are a few ways we can take individual­ly to keep our republic:

1. Think for yourself.

2. Read or engage in dialogue with those who don’t represent your point of view.

3. Read or watch more than one source of news from different points of view.

4. Be willing to change your mind when the facts require you to do so.

5. Stay awake to those who would lie, mislead and otherwise sow discord.

Democracy dies gradually over time as we yield our abilities to think for ourselves and turn our thought processes over to those who represent what we already believe.

John C. Morgan is a teacher and writer. His latest book is about Matthew Lyon, an early Vermont congressma­n who was jailed for criticizin­g thenPresid­ent John Adams for acting like a king. Lyon also was a newspaper publisher and editor who believed deeply in freedom of speech.

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