The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

It should be easy to vote, hard to cheat

State Government Committee Chairman Seth Grove, R-York, has been holding hearings in the Legislatur­e since November, focusing on the general election of 2020 and the issues that cropped up during that election.

- — Altoona Mirror/The Associated Press

Last-minute court rulings and unclear guidelines from the Department of State caused confusion last year.

Pennsylvan­ia’s election law, originally passed in 1937, was updated during the COVID-19 pandemic — as it should have been — to fulfill the unique needs of voters during the crisis.

But the law also was tampered with inappropri­ately when the former secretary of state and the highly partisan state Supreme Court made decisions that violate any plain reading of Pennsylvan­ia’s Constituti­on.

The committee listened to county election directors and heard from balanced, nonpartisa­n testifiers.

Throughout the 10 hearings, the committee received testimony from more than 50 experts and local and state election officials, including officials from other states.

Numerous flaws were found within Pennsylvan­ia’s election code and its implementa­tion.

It is no secret the last-minute court rulings and often unclear guidelines from the Department of State caused confusion among voters and led to nonuniform­ity among the 67 counties, which goes against the Pennsylvan­ia Constituti­on.

For example, the Department of State is pushing a false narrative that Pennsylvan­ia has early in-person voting. Early in-person voting has not been approved in any law adopted by the General Assembly.

Another area where Pennsylvan­ia election law fails are for those voters with disabiliti­es. We can and must do better to provide statutory accessibil­ity and modernizat­ion to help our disabled voters.

It was learned that nearly $21 million in third-party grants, typically from big businesses, contribute­d to the lack of uniformity when the money was disproport­ionately distribute­d. About half of that money was directed to Philadelph­ia, which equaled to about $10 per voter, while most other counties received less than a $1 per voter.

Election security must begin at the voter registrati­on process, the most important part of our election process next to the casting of ballots.

County government­s are registerin­g individual­s without validating informatio­n on their voter registrati­on applicatio­n. Voter applicatio­ns must be verified prior to approval.

Individual­s have not been disenfranc­hised from Pennsylvan­ia’s current voter identifica­tion requiremen­ts, which allows 16 different forms of ID and applies only to first-time voters of a polling location.

Election data has shown states with stronger voter identifica­tion requiremen­ts have increased voter turnout among all demographi­cs.

Recent polling shows support for voter identifica­tion policies with 75% of voters, a majority of Republican­s and Democrats, in favor.

Local election officials would like to see a change to the election timeline so they can better manage the election process.

They requested changing the voter registrati­on deadline from 30 to 15 days before an election, but increasing absentee ballot applicatio­n deadlines from seven days before an election to 15 days before an election, and allowing for pre-canvassing of ballots seven days before an election.

Elections must be held to the highest integrity while also being accessible to all legal voters — and only legal voters. Rules must be fair, impartial and evenly enforced.

We didn’t have that last November.

It’s crucial the Legislatur­e, the body designated to do so in the state constituti­on, ensure that laws make voting accessible to all — except cheaters.

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