The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Republican­s embracing one of world’s worst leaders


This week, he has a high-visibility time slot on the opening day of CPAC Texas, the once annual conservati­ve conference that’s become such a successful grift for Republican­s, it’s now held multiple times a year.

While he’ll be warmly welcomed there, the list of his anti-democratic intrusions is long, and alarming: Attempts at obstructin­g free and fair elections. Underminin­g democratic institutio­ns, including the media. Expanding executive powers. A far-right politiciza­tion of the highest courts. Exerting political influence over education. Bans on speech pertaining to gender and sexuality. Marginaliz­ing minority groups. Promoting ethnonatio­nalism and white pride. Corruption and graft at the highest levels of government. Use of propaganda to mislead the public. Embracing world dictators and autocratic regimes.

This list could easily describe former President Donald Trump’s remaking of the American right. But it also describes Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s remaking of Hungary’s political system over many years as the country’s populist head of state.

So it’s probably no coincidenc­e that Orban was invited to speak at CPAC. Pro-Trump Republican­s and right-wing nationalis­ts have embraced Orban and his hold over Hungary — what Zack Beauchamp calls his “soft fascism.”

The things that have made him a fixture in right-wing circles here at home are the same things that prompted Freedom House, the oldest American organizati­on devoted to the defense of democracy around the world, to downgrade Hungary to a partial democracy in 2020 — existing somewhere in the “gray zone” between democracie­s and autocracie­s.

Nonetheles­s, Trump has praised Orban repeatedly, as have commentato­rs such as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

Carlson has lauded the leader for not allowing “this nation of 10 million people to be changed forever by people we didn’t invite in and who are coming here illegally.”

Orban has returned the favor, telling a CPAC Hungary (yes, that happened) crowd that the key to power for the American right was to have their own media — or, in other words, propaganda outlets. He then proceeded to call Fox just that.

Steve Bannon, freshly convicted on contempt of Congress charges and also appearing at CPAC, once called Orban “the most significan­t guy on the scene right now.”

Despite his detestable recent comments, where Orban said of Hungary, “We do not want to become peoples of mixed-race” or join in Western Europe’s “mixed-race world,” CPAC will all too happily host him.

Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservati­ve Union, has justified his appearance by sheepishly hiding behind nonexisten­t threats of cancel culture, saying his appearance gives people a chance to decide whether they agree or disagree with his point of view.

The funny thing is, the new far right never does go ahead and disagree with people like Orban, because they don’t. The point of these invitation­s is to elevate Orban and other terribles, not warn voters off their bad ideas.

Orban isn’t the first or only strongman CPAC is cuddling up to. In 2021, Brazil’s socalled “Trump of the Tropics,” President Jair Bolsonaro, spoke at CPAC Brasil, where Donald Trump Jr. also livestream­ed in from the U.S. At the 2022 event, his son, Congressma­n Eduardo Bolsonaro spoke alongside Trump aide Jason Miller. The younger Bolsonaro is also speaking at the Texas CPAC this week.

What’s next? A CPAC Russia? A Vladimir Putin address at the next CPAC Texas? With the right’s growing embrace of dictators and autocracie­s, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.

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