The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Republican­s should come home

- By Dan K. Eberhart InsideSour­ Dan K. Eberhart is CEO of Canary, one of the largest oilfield service companies in the United States. He wrote this for InsideSour­

The GOP presidenti­al primary contest is over. Donald Trump won 27 of the first 29 contests, and his last serious challenger, Nikki Haley, dropped out.

Most Republican voters are clearly in favor of a second term with Trump. It’s time for the Grand Old Party to unite behind the presumptiv­e nominee and focus all of its energy on the campaign ahead to get Joe Biden — and his liberal policies — out of the White House.

Coming together after a bruising nominating contest is always a challengin­g step for a political party. Emotions are still raw after a primary that often devolved into petty personal attacks against candidates and their supporters, and the winning side’s temptation to seek political revenge against those who lost is always strong.

But Republican­s need to unite now for one straightfo­rward reason: Biden isn’t just vulnerable, he’s beatable.

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll shows how poorly voters see Biden’s time in office. Not only is Trump leading Biden 52% to 48% in a head-to-head comparison, but voters consistent­ly give Trump better grades for his time in office.

When asked how the economy was during Trump’s first term in office, 65% of voters said it was “good,” compared to 38% who think today’s economy is doing well.

On immigratio­n, which recently became the top issue for all Americans, a whopping 72% said Trump’s policies would decrease the number of migrants flooding America, compared to 50% for Biden.

Trump also leads Biden in the swing states that will decide the 2024 election — and likely control of Congress. A recent Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows Trump leading 48% to Biden’s 43% in seven swing states. Trump’s biggest lead is in North Carolina, where he’s up 9 points. That’s a massive advantage in a state where Trump squeaked out a 1-point win in 2020.

A recent New York Times/Siena College poll yielded similar results, showing that Trump beats Biden 48% to 43% among registered voters. The same survey found that 65 percent of voters feel America is headed in the wrong direction under the current administra­tion. The best Biden can point to is polls from Fox News and The Wall Street Journal that have Trump up by just 2 points.

And to top it all off, Biden has an approval rating of 38 percent. That’s not only abysmally bad, but it’s also historical­ly bad. Biden has the lowest approval rating at this point in his presidency of any president in modern history.

All of this has Democrats slamming the panic button as they grabble with the fact that their candidate is an unpopular octogenari­an who is saddled with an even less popular running mate.

The 2024 election will affect not only the presidency but also control of the Senate. With the progressiv­e wing of the Democratic Party showing the exit to the last two moderate Senate Democrats, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Krysten Sinema of Arizona, Republican­s stand their best chance in years of taking back the majority.

Manchin and Sinema were the lone centrist voices remaining in the Democratic Party. They took reasonable positions on immigratio­n, economic growth and energy security. With their exit, there’s little to keep Democrats from pursuing an agenda of insecurity at home and abroad and higher energy prices.

It’s a cliché to say this is the most important election of our lifetime. Every election is important, but there’s no doubt much is at stake in November. The 2024 election will have far-reaching consequenc­es for America, affecting domestic and internatio­nal affairs.

We’ve seen what four years of Biden’s presidency have given us: rampant inflation, stagnant wages and rising prices for food, rent and other must-have staples. We can’t afford an additional four years.

It’s time for the GOP to unite behind the presumptiv­e nominee and focus all of its energy on the campaign ahead to get Joe Biden — and his liberal policies — out of the White House.

Republican­s are divided over many policy issues, including spending and foreign relations. Still, Trump’s dominance of the presidenti­al nominating process is an opportunit­y to unify behind the singular goal of taking back the White House. I say that as someone who initially supported another candidate but recognizes how urgent it is for Republican­s to come together to stop the economic and security harm another four years of Democratic control would bring.

Republican voters have spoken loud and clear. They want Trump. Republican leaders should listen to voters and support our nominee.

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