The Reporter (Vacaville)

Positively un-American Vacaville always delivers


There are countries where anarchy or near anarchy prevails. There are other countries where a dictatorsh­ip or near dictatorsh­ip prevails. Apart from these places are nations that have a democratic republic of some integrity.

Although imperfect, America has been an attractive example of representa­tive government. There is Abraham Lincoln’s abiding hope “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Now there is an Associated Press story, carried on The Reporter’s front page, noting that many Republican­s are wavering over accepting the fact that their candidate lost the recent presidenti­al election by more than 7 million votes, as well as losing the Electoral College vote. With the exception of a few, such as Sen. Romney and Rep. Justin Amash, many

Republican­s seem willing to dismantle our democracy by continuing to support the power claims of a greed-addled, over-privileged, New York City con man who repeatedly lavishes fawning praise on such autocrats as Putin, Kim, and Xi. If Sen. Josh Hawley or Sen. Ted Cruz want to continue to fly a Trump flag, they, at the very least, need to discontinu­e wearing an American flag lapel pin, as their actions are a dangerous slander on America’s ideal as a free, just, democratic republic.

— George Cartter/Vacaville

The community of Vacaville never disappoint­s! When we at Christmas Wish let you know that we had never left a request unanswered, we were not sure that would happen this year. Thanks to you, our lofty goal is still intact, having

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