The Reporter (Vacaville)

Pope urges Iraq to embrace Christians

- Ny NiCole Winfield And SAmyA KullAB

NAGHiAi >> Pope Francis opened the first-ever papal visit to Iraq on Friday with a plea for the country to protect its centuries-old diversity, urging Muslims to embrace their Christian neighbors as a precious resource and asking the embattled Christian community — “though small like a mustard seed” — to persevere.

Francis brushed aside the coronaviru­s pandemic and security concerns to resume his globe-trotting papacy after a yearlong hiatus spent under COVID-19 lockdown in Vatican City. His primary aim over the weekend is to encourage Iraq’s dwindling Christian population, which was violently persecuted by the Islamic State group and still faces discrimina­tion by the Muslim majority, to stay and help rebuild the country devastated by wars and strife.

“Only if we learn to look beyond our difference­s and see each other as members of the same human family,” Francis told Iraqi authoritie­s in his welcoming address, “will we be able to begin an effective process of rebuilding and leave to future generation­s a better, more just and more humane world.”

The 84-year-old pope donned a facemask during the flight from Rome and throughout all his protocol visits, as did his hosts. But the masks came off when the leaders sat down to talk, and social distancing and other health measures appeared lax at the airport and on the streets of Baghdad, despite the country’s worsening COVID-19


The government is eager to show off the relative stability it has achieved after the defeat of the IS “caliphate.” Nonetheles­s, security measures were tight.

Francis, who relishes plunging into crowds and likes to travel in an opensided popemobile, was transporte­d around Baghdad in an armored black BMWi750, flanked by rows of motorcycle police. It was believed to be the first time Francis had used a bulletproo­f car — both to protect him and keep crowds from forming.

Iraqis, though, seemed keen to welcome Francis and the global attention his visit brought. Some lined the road to cheer his motorcade. Banners and posters in central Baghdad depicted Francis with the slogan “We are

all Brothers.”

Some hoping to get close were sorely disappoint­ed by the heavy security cordons.

“It was my great wish to meet the pope and pray for my sick daughter and pray for her to be healed. But this wish was not fulfilled,” said Raad William Georges, a 52-year-old father of three who said he was turned away when he tried to see Francis during his visit to Our Lady of Salvation Cathedral in the Karrada neighborho­od.

“This opportunit­y will not be repeated,” he said ruefully. “I will try tomorrow, I know it will not happen, but I will try.”

Francis told reporters aboard the papal plane that he was happy to be resuming his travels again and said it was particular­ly symbolic that his first trip was to Iraq,

the traditiona­l birthplace of Abraham, revered by Muslims, Christians and Jews.

“This is an emblematic journey,” he said. “It is also a duty to a land tormented by many years.”

Francis was visibly limping throughout the afternoon in a sign his sciatica nerve pain, which has flared and forced him to cancel events recently, was possibly bothering him. He nearly tripped as he climbed up the steps to the cathedral and an aide had to steady him.

At a pomp-filled gathering with President Barham Salih at a palace inside Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, Francis said Christians and other minorities in Iraq deserve the same rights and protection­s as the Shiite Muslim majority.

“The religious, cultural and ethnic diversity that has been a hallmark of Iraqi society for millennia is a precious resource on which to draw, not an obstacle to eliminate,” he said. “Iraq today is called to show everyone, especially in the Middle East, that diversity, instead of giving rise to conflict, should lead to harmonious cooperatio­n in the life of society.”

Salih, a member of Iraq’s ethnic Kurdish minority, echoed his call.

“The East cannot be imagined without Christians,” Salih said. “The continued migration of Christians from the countries of the east will have dire consequenc­es for the ability of the people from the same region to live together.”

The Iraq visit is in keeping with Francis’ longstandi­ng effort to improve relations with the Muslim world, which has accelerate­d in recent years with his friendship with a leading Sunni cleric, Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb. It will reach a new high with his meeting Saturday with Iraq’s leading Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, a figure revered in Iraq and beyond.

“The continued migration of Christians from the countries of the east will have dire consequenc­es for the ability of the people from the same region to live together.” — President Barham Salih

In Iraq, the pontiff bringing his call for tolerance to a country rich in ethnic and religious diversity but deeply traumatize­d by hatreds. Since the 2003 U.S. invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, it has seen vicious sectarian violence between Shiites and Sunni Muslims, clashes and tensions between Arabs and Kurds, and militant atrocities against minorities like Christians and Yazidis.

The few Christians who remain harbor a lingering mistrust of their Muslim neighbors and face discrimina­tion that long predated IS.

Iraq’s Christians, whose presence here goes back nearly to the time of Christ, belong to a number of rites and denominati­ons, with the Chaldean Catholic the largest, along with Syriac Catholics, Assyrians and several Orthodox churches. They once constitute­d a sizeable minority in Iraq, estimated at around 1.4 million. But their numbers began to fall amid the post-2003 turmoil when Sunni militants often targeted Christians.

TOKYO >> Myanmar’s security forces have killed scores of demonstrat­ors protesting a coup. The new junta has jailed journalist­s — and anyone else capable of exposing the violence. It has done away with even limited legal protection­s. The outside world has responded so far with tough words, a smattering of sanctions and little else.

The slide from a nascent democracy to yet another coup, as rapid as it has been brutal, opens up a grim possibilit­y: As bad as it looks in Myanmar now, if the country’s long history of violent military rule is any guide, things could get worse.

Protesters have continued to fill the streets despite violence that left 38 people dead one day this week — though they have turned out in smaller numbers than the weeks right after the Feb. 1 coup. They have used smartphone­s to capture the brutality. Recent videos show security forces shooting a person at point-blank range and chasing down and savagely beating demonstrat­ors.

The military, however, has the clear upper hand, with sophistica­ted weapons, a large network of spies, the ability to cut telecoms, and decades of fighting experience.

“We are at a crisis point,” Bill Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations with long experience working with Myanmar, told The Associated Press, pointing to the arrests of journalist­s, including AP’s Thein Zaw, and the indiscrimi­nate killing of protesters. “The internatio­nal community needs to respond much more forcefully, or this situation will degenerate into complete anarchy and violence.”

Government­s around the world, including the United States, have condemned the coup, which reversed years of slow progress toward democracy. Before that opening up began, Myanmar had languished under a strict military rule for five decades that led to internatio­nal isolation and crippling sanctions.

Despite the flurry of recent global criticism, however, there’s not much hope that pressure from outside will change the course of events inside the country.

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 ?? ANDREW MEDICHINI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Nuns waves as Pope Francis leaves the Sayidat al-Nejat (Our Lady of Salvation) Cathedral in Baghdad, Iraq, on Friday.
ANDREW MEDICHINI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Nuns waves as Pope Francis leaves the Sayidat al-Nejat (Our Lady of Salvation) Cathedral in Baghdad, Iraq, on Friday.
 ?? ANDREW MEDICHINI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Pope Francis is welcomed upon his arrival at the Sayidat al-Nejat (Our Lady of Salvation) Cathedral in Baghdad, Iraq, on Friday.
ANDREW MEDICHINI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pope Francis is welcomed upon his arrival at the Sayidat al-Nejat (Our Lady of Salvation) Cathedral in Baghdad, Iraq, on Friday.
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