The Reporter (Vacaville)

The truth about Halloween

- Marilynn Anderson

Fill in the blanks and create a laugh!

I am a kid on the Party Planning Committee and I have to tell you some ________ stuff about our school and Halloween. Mostly, the ________ grownups on the committee want me to agree with them and talk about how we should wear very safe and ________ costumes, and only go trick or treating if we have at least ________ adults with us, and how we should check each _______ treat at least _______ times before we eat it, and how we should only eat ________ treats a day so we won’t get a sugar overload.

OK! I said it. Now, for the truth about Halloween. Well, it started ________ years ago in a faraway country called “________” where a kid prince named “_________” got the idea for a _________ costume party. His royal family only let him hang out with other royal kids, and he was bored. He wanted his secret friends to come to the party, wearing costumes and masks.

SO: Guess how many people showed up! Yes, there were _______ guests, and each person was carrying a bag with the hope to take a lot of party treats home with them.

TRUE: Tables were piled high with _______ treats, and the goodies were cleverly taken by the tricky guests. The ballroom was decorated with _______ pumpkins and real-live black cats. The crowd was entertaine­d by witches, who were really servants, carrying brooms, and magicians who did magic tricks.

WOW! The party went on for _______ hours and finally everyone went home feeling _______. The news of this _______ party circled the Earth and doovers of this celebratio­n happen every October 31.

NOW: The idea of monsters and spooky stuff happened because the parents of the prince wanted to scare him out of having another party, but it didn’t work. He liked Halloween even better with scary things.

HUH? Yes, the next year, the whole country had Halloween, and ________ kids were running around dressed as _________, __________, and even _______s. The kids were pounding on doors yelling “_______!” People would open their doors and toss _________ out onto their porches, hoping the monsters would go away.

TODAY: We are still doing a __________ variation of this fun, and people spend at least $________ every Halloween, and say it’s great.

BUT, yeah, do it safely, everybody, so you won’t get run over by a _______, or bitten by a feral _______. Good luck and remember to dump your candy on the floor and organize it before you go to bed and dream about _________. “Bye” for now!

Marilynn Anderson is the author of “Spiders for Halloween,” and “Halloween Party,” eBooks found on Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook, plus “Funny Fill-in Stories for a Screamin’ Halloween.”

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