The Reporter (Vacaville)

Dixon City Clerk options

- — Mary Savage/Dixon

• I have known Kristin Janisch since she moved to California from Oklahoma. She has experience in many areas of the public and private sector and also with nonprofit organizati­ons.

I have worked side-by-side with Kristin when she has volunteere­d for numerous events and activities. I find Kristin to have initiative and common sense, be an independen­t thinker and a real go-getter.

Kristin applied for the city clerk position when the City of Dixon advertised they were taking applicatio­ns. Two other people applied, but her opponent in this election did not.

After she was interviewe­d by Mayor Bird and a staff member, Kristin was appointed to the city clerk position by the City Council and has been working in the position ever since.

Kristin is honest and impartial and, most of all, she has integrity.

Please join me in voting for Kristin Janisch for Dixon City Clerk.

— Janice Beaman/Retired

Dixon City Clerk

• Recent statements and questions by Mary Savage require a response.

Why is it the Mike Ceremello followers are all so negative on everything regarding the City of Dixon? They seem to be angry and bitter at all times! What about trying to work together instead of being accusatory every time??

An example, Mary accuses Kristin Janisch of having connection­s with the “shadow government of Dixon.” What shadow government, and where is your proof? She spews negativity where there is no proof, only to stir the pot!

She states there are no substantia­tions of Kristin’s accomplish­ments in reference to her jobs. Have you not read her introducti­on page which was in the local newspapers and on social media? What about talking to her personally to discuss any of your concerns? My question to all the followers of Mike Ceremello is, have you ever asked him for proof of his three college degrees he states he has obtained? Why didn’t he apply for the appointed, elected city clerk position?

Kristin Janisch has the integrity, honesty and trustworth­iness for the city clerk position.

Vote for Kristin! The position of city clerk is not divisive. We want a city clerk who is able to work with and be responsive to the citizens of Dixon.

— Ray and Yvonne McCluskey/


• Do you know why the control freaks of Dixon, the ones that think they still run the town, support a newcomer to California who has no clue of the state laws, for the elected position of the Dixon City Clerk? Because they do not want to lose control!

They are afraid that if Michael Ceremello gets elected will expose the lies and the shenanigan­s going on at City Hall.

It is funny to see the same people that opposed Measure T, the initiative to make the city clerk an elected position, now support this puppet who sits in the audience during council meetings. They must think we are all stupid.

Don’t be fooled. Vote for Michael Ceremello, an independen­t city clerk who will be your voice in City Hall.

— Gus Hardeep/Dixon

• We have not seen in any of our local newspapers an article about the City of Dixon wasting the city’s tax dollars to take Mike Ceremello to court because they didn’t like what he wrote in his campaign statement. At least Ceremello respected the voters to submit and pay his campaign statement, unlike his opponent, who probably believes her connection­s with the “shadow government” of Dixon and with their support will get her elected. Even in her statements in the news she references all the jobs she has done and yet there is no substantia­tion on any accomplish­ments.

Do any of you wonder why they are fighting so hard to keep Ceremello out of City Hall? What are they afraid of what he may discover if he gets elected?

As expected, a Solano County judge ordered language from the statement to be removed because he believed it was misleading? Really? Does the judge know the duties of a city clerk? Interestin­gly enough the City Attorney’s office is “stalling” the Public Records request submitted by the Solano County taxpayers, asking “how much it cost the citizens in attorney fees” for this frivolous lawsuit.

Don’t be misled. Vote for Ceremello. He will work hard to provide the open and transparen­t government we deserve.

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