The Reporter (Vacaville)

McCarthy cements rep as The Great Prevaricat­or of all

- Dana Milbank

WASHINGTON >> The Great Prevaricat­or stood on the banks of the Rio Grande and released a mighty river of deceit.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, in a news conference Monday afternoon with fellow Republican lawmakers at the southern border and in a separate interview with Fox News, misreprese­nted the source of illicit fentanyl. He grossly distorted a descriptio­n of phones the federal government is using to track immigrants who crossed the border illegally. He teased the dubious notion that Democrats somehow obtained and leaked the audio of a private meeting he had with fellow Republican leaders.

And then there was this showstoppe­r: He dissembled about his own lie.

First, he claimed he wasn't lying when he falsely denied a New York Times report that he had told colleagues after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrecti­on that he would advise President Donald Trump to resign. He suggested he misunderst­ood the question.

Yet McCarthy then appeared, in his garbled syntax, to repeat the original lie that he never told colleagues he planned to ask Trump to resign: “If you're asking now, `Did I tell my members that we're going to ask?' Ask them if I told any of them that I said to President Trump. The answer is no.”

(According to the audio recording of that meeting, McCarthy in fact said he was “seriously thinking” of telling Trump “it would be my recommenda­tion you should resign.”)

Telling a baldfaced lie, particular­ly one of such magnitude, is a sign of low character. But repeating the very same lie just seconds after explaining you hadn't told the lie in the first place is a sign of low brain activity.

Alas, this may well be the next speaker of the House.

In the kerfuffle over McCarthy getting caught on tape saying exactly the thing he adamantly denied saying, the only surprising component is that some speculate that this flagrant dishonesty might somehow cost him the speakershi­p if Republican­s retake the House.

That's crazy talk. In this Trumpified Republican Party, lying is not a liability.

To the contrary: The only truly career-damaging move a Republican lawmaker can make at the moment is to tell the truth.

McCarthy knows this firsthand. He told the truth once in 2015 — and it cost him the speakershi­p then. He had been next in line for the job until he inadverten­tly said something truthful to Fox News's Sean Hannity: that Republican­s launched a probe of the Benghazi terrorist attack for the purpose of harming Hillary Clinton.

Since then, it has been fairly easy to tell when McCarthy is lying: His lips are moving. He even banished fellow Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) from leadership for telling the truth about Jan. 6.

There was a time when getting caught on tape lying might have ended a career. Sam Rayburn, the legendary House speaker of the mid-20th century known for his integrity, famously said that “any fellow who will cheat for you will cheat against you.”

McCarthy is the sort of man Rayburn warned of. He has been a torrent of disinforma­tion — about his statements immediatel­y after Jan. 6, about Biden's tax proposals, about the Jan. 6 committee, about the economy, about COVID-19 relief and about the 2020 election.

In the caucus he leads, such deceit is standard. McCarthy was joined at the border by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who in sworn testimony last week flatly denied calling Nancy Pelosi a “traitor to the country.” A lawyer then displayed the quote of Greene saying exactly that. “Oh, no, wait, hold on now,” Greene said, revising her account. She also said she didn't recall whether she advised Trump to impose martial law after he lost the election; text messages show her telling Trump's chief of staff that “several” lawmakers “are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call for Marshall (sic) law.”

The Great Prevaricat­or's assault on truth is a daily menace.

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