The Riverside Press-Enterprise

Sheriff says he ordered Bryant photos to be deleted

- By Fred Shuster City News Service

LOS ANGELES >> Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva told attorneys for Vanessa Bryant under oath that he encouraged deputies to delete photos taken at the scene of the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant, the couple’s 13-year-old daughter and seven others, a court filing obtained Tuesday shows.

In a county brief, Villanueva, quoted in several passages taken from his deposition in Bryant’s lawsuit, says he told deputies to get rid of the photos in order to ensure the graphic images were not shared, causing more harm to the victims’ families.

“I can tell you this,” the sheriff says in the recent deposition, “that the problem at hand was images getting out and harming the families. I make decisions based on the immediate threat, which is a harm that those pictures can cause to the family. I don’t make a decision based on ‘I might get sued six months later.’ That’s prepostero­us.”

Attorneys for Bryant are urging the judge to penalize the county for the alleged destructio­n of almost all evidence that deputies took and shared photos at the site.

According to Vanessa Bryant’s pretrial motion for sanctions, members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who were among first responders at the crash site on Jan. 26, 2020, improperly destroyed cellphone photos at the direction of Villanueva, who knew he was required to preserve such potential evidence.

“Yet that is exactly what Sheriff Villanueva himself ordered department personnel to do after the department received a citizen’s complaint that a sheriff’s deputy was showing photos of the crash site at a bar in Norwalk,” according to Bryant’s motion. “That order was highly irregular — unpreceden­ted in deputies’ experience — and out of the chain of command. When a captain complained, the sheriff demoted him.”

Earlier Monday, the judge ruled that Bryant must turn over her mental health records, which attorneys for Los Angeles County contend are central to fighting her lawsuit alleging emotional distress caused by the sharing of crash photos among sheriff’s deputies and others.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Charles Eick ordered Bryant and her therapist to produce the records by Nov. 29, but limited the coverage period from Jan. 1, 2017 to the present. The county had asked for her records dating from January 2010.

Skip Miller, outside counsel for Los Angeles County, responded that the plaintiff’s request for medical records is standard in such suits.

“The county continues to have nothing but the deepest sympathy for the enormous grief Ms. Bryant suffered as a result of the tragic helicopter accident,” Miller said in a statement. “We are gratified that the court has granted our motion for access to her medical records, as it is a standard request in lawsuits where a plaintiff demands millions of dollars for claims of emotional distress.”

But Bryant attorney Mari Saigal alleged in court papers that the defense effort to get the records “should be seen for what it is: an attempt to bully Mrs. Bryant into dropping her case to avoid her private therapy records being brandished in open court and reported on by media outlets.”

Bryant’s widow alleges she and her family suffered severe emotional distress after discoverin­g that sheriff’s deputies snapped and shared gruesome photos of the helicopter crash scene.

The legal fight between Bryant and the county intensifie­d in previous weeks when county lawyers sought to have Bryant undergo a psychiatri­c examinatio­n in advance of the trial scheduled for February. Lawyers argued in court papers that she cannot have severe distress from crash photos she and the public have never seen. Eick denied the motion.

The county contends that Bryant’s claims of emotional distress are based on allegation­s deputies showed accident site photos to other first responders and to a bartender.

However, the widow contends the photos were also shared with attendees at an awards show party, a customer at a Norwalk bar, a city firefighte­r who was not a county employee, the niece of a sheriff’s deputy and a friend of another deputy.

“Contrary to plaintiff’s claims, the photograph­s did not focus on the remains of any of the victims but were general views of the crash scene that first responders and investigat­ors typically use to assess the damage caused by tragic accidents such as this one,” according to the county’s document.

“None of the photograph­s were sent to anyone outside the county, nor were they publicly disseminat­ed.”

The county apparently wants to show that any emotional distress came from the loss of family members, not the cellphone photos, which they claim Bryant has never seen and only learned about from newspaper reports.

“Mrs. Bryant seeks millions of dollars in damages for severe emotional distress, anxiety and mental anguish allegedly caused by the public disseminat­ion of photograph­s, which has not happened,” the filing states.

“She also seeks damages for defendants’ allegedly ‘compoundin­g the trauma’ of losing her husband and daughter. Plaintiff claims she is depressed and has trouble sleeping. Her damages claims are premised entirely on these mental and emotional injuries. Plaintiff’s therapy records go directly to her emotional condition . ... ”

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