The Riverside Press-Enterprise

Yes, police robots could be beneficial in the right violent and risky situation


Readers respond to Question of the Week: Should police use robots that can kill?

Robots that can kill could save lives in settings such as schools and other SWAT situations.

Two points concerning to me are a chance of misidentif­ying a target and malfunctio­n without a human behind it.

Robots that kill are one thing in a police setting; However, I can just imagine a scenario where nations strive to gain superiorit­y and develop these robots, which can have a nuclear or biological chemical make-up and be in the hands of a tyrant. I agree there could be serious abuse, but the U.S. has to stay abreast in developmen­t and maintainin­g superiorit­y even in peacetime.

We have enemies in this world and collateral damage will happen. It really can’t be avoided.

— Palma Espinosa, Highland

Police robots are a very bad idea for citizenry, especially in San Francisco

Obviously, a city like San Francisco, which is slowly descending into the dark ages, should not be trusted with such a dangerous toy.

Look what happened to their $1.7 million toilet.

Besides, there hasn’t been a “terrorist bomber” there since 1993 (and the one before that was 1916).

Perhaps more effective would be to keep violent offenders in jail where they cannot endanger members of the public and do not hide their past misdeeds, allowing seemingly innocent offenders to attack again to everyone’s surprise.

— Warren Scheinin,

Redondo Beach

Simple facts: whoever is operating the robot is still pulling the trigger

So can the robot notice and be more aware of the real circumstan­ces that are happening? What happens if the robot malfunctio­ns — then who’s to blame?

Give the police back the authority they once had and put the criminals in jail and leave them there so they can think about the harm they are putting innocent people through. Is the robot battery operated?

What happens if it loses its charge midway? Lots of unanswered questions.

— Jon Reitz, San Pedro


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