The Riverside Press-Enterprise

I just want these very modest policy changes for Christmas

- By Sal Rodriguez

It’s Christmas.

Depending on your worldview, this is either a day for celebratin­g the birth of the savior of humanity or eating Chinese food and watching “Die Hard.”

Do your thing.

Today is also the culminatio­n of a month of being asked what I would like for Christmas.

My wish for $1 million in mixed bills will probably not be fulfilled. But maybe, just maybe, my wish to see certain policy changes will be realized someday in the state of California.

1) School choice in K-12 education

Despite throwing around tens of thousands per student per year, California consistent­ly ranks at or near the bottom in national standardiz­ed tests compared to the rest of the country. Yes, even compared to the so-called flyover states that coastal elitists look down on.

And as I feel like I’ve written at least 100 times in my journalism career, even by the state’s own standards, majorities of Black, Latino, Indigenous and low-income kids fail to meet the state’s own standards on English and mathematic­s.

It’s a reality that belies the babbling by leftwing politician­s and pundits that they actually care about the well-being of poor and minority communitie­s.

The status quo isn’t working in California. The status quo is one controlled and dictated by the California Teachers Associatio­n and its minion unions across the state that fight any mechanism for accountabi­lity and reform.

“On the issue of tax-funded vouchers, 60% of adults and slightly more public school parents — 66% — favor providing them to parents for use at any public, private, or parochial school,” reported the Public Policy Institute of California in 2017. Even larger majorities of Black (73%) and Latino (69%) support vouchers.

It’s time to honor the wishes of majorities of California­ns and offer parents, students and teachers and give them the freedom to choose. Want to go to a traditiona­l government school? Fine. Charter school? Fine. Religious school? Fine. This should be up to parents, not the government.

In allowing school choice, the grip of self-centered unions blocking tenure reform, merit-based pay and other means of achieving better outcomes for kids will finally be loosened.

2) CEQA reform

There are multiple contributi­ng factors to California’s high housing costs — from labor mandates to a litany of land-use restrictio­ns — but I won’t get greedy. It’s Christmas, after all.

Gov. Jerry Brown once called reform of the California Environmen­tal Quality Act “the Lord’s work.” In recent years the California Legislatur­e has approved CEQA exemptions for certain types of projects.

There’s a reason for that. The 1970 law, signed by Gov. Ronald Reagan, requires environmen­tal impact reports and mitigation efforts for developmen­ts in the state. That’s all well and good, but administra­tion of the law itself can be quite cumbersome and it can be abused by NIMBYS to slow or stop projects.

The law firm Holland & Knight produced a report this year finding that, while California has seen just about 111,000 homes built per year in recent years, CEQA lawsuits targeted about 48,000 units in 2020 alone.

If California is going to build enough homes to support a growing economy, to give non-homeowners a chance at homeowners­hip and keep more people out of homelessne­ss, it needs to reduce arbitrary barriers to housing developmen­t.

California can have CEQA on the books while also making it less stifling.

For specific reforms, Baruch Feigenbaum at the Reason Foundation has suggested exempting all housing developmen­ts from the law, limiting statutory changes to CEQA so it’s not a constant headache keeping up with ever-changing CEQA requiremen­ts and raising the bar for who can file a CEQA lawsuit.

Holland & Knight in 2015 proposed the following changes:

“1. Require those filing CEQA lawsuits to disclose their identity and environmen­tal (or non-environmen­tal) interests.

“2. Eliminate duplicativ­e lawsuits aimed at derailing plans and projects that have already completed the CEQA process.

“3. Preserve CEQA’S existing environmen­tal review and public comment requiremen­ts, as well as access to litigation remedies for environmen­tal purposes — but restrict judicial invalidati­on of project approvals to those projects that would harm public health, destroy irreplacea­ble tribal resources or threaten the ecology.”

Those all seem reasonable to me.

3) Decriminal­ization, legalizati­on of victimless vices

Call me crazy — I’m sure by now some of you have — but I believe in the notion of self-ownership and the value of personal autonomy.

“Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property,” wrote American philosophe­r Lysander Spooner in 1875. “Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interferen­ce with their persons or property.”

The heavy hand of the state should only come down on actual crimes, not mere vices.

If someone is using drugs and committing crimes to support that habit, the person should be held accountabl­e for the actual crimes committed — theft, sale of stolen property, damage to property, fraud and so on. But the mere possession and use of drugs? That’s just a vice.

If consenting adults are engaged in prostituti­on free from coercion, it may or may not be a moral or responsibi­lity activity, but there’s no reason for it to involve cops, courts and jails.

If an adult wants to bet on a sports game, they shouldn’t have to go to Eastern European betting sites or Vegas or reservatio­ns, they should be able to do it without government interferen­ce.

On all of these vices, California has some carve-outs and sorta-steps in the right direction.

Drug possession is a misdemeano­r thanks to Propositio­n 47. Critics complain Prop. 47 has “decriminal­ized” drugs. That’s technicall­y not true, but I fully support making that complaint a reality and repealing the misdemeano­r status of drug possession. If addicts are causing enough problems to come on the radar of police, there are probably other crimes involved that can be leveraged to hold the person accountabl­e and get them in treatment.

On prostituti­on, there’s nothing stopping California from decriminal­izing it. Before I go further, I’ll address the rebuttal stewing in the minds of some readers: What I’m saying should be decriminal­ized is consensual activity between consenting adults. If traffickin­g, coercion, threats, minors and so on are involved, then, no, that’s definition­ally contrary to “consensual activity between consenting adults.”

This year, California approved Senate Bill 357, introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener, D-san Francisco, which repealed “loitering with the intent to engage in prostituti­on” as a crime. That’s something, but it just dances around the matter at hand. The state should at least study alternativ­es to criminaliz­ation, from decriminal­ization to legalizati­on.

And then there’s gambling. This November, California­ns rejected Propositio­ns 26 and 27 to legalize sports betting on reservatio­ns and online. Admittedly, both were convoluted and bad lawmaking, though Prop. 27, which would have allowed mobile sports betting, was the better proposal, because it would’ve given consumers more options. Meanwhile, most states, even lefty Massachuse­tts, New York and Oregon have legalized sports betting.

It’s time for California to do the same. Here, the fight isn’t really about any of the moral issues (people are more puritanica­l about sex and drugs than gambling) but over who gets to make the most money from a legal sports betting market in California

— the tribes or gaming app companies. I say: legalize both and let consumers decide who makes the most money. Duh.

Which is most likely?

If I had to bet, there’s probably a reasonable chance for decriminal­ization of some drugs to happen. Sen. Wiener has reintroduc­ed legislatio­n to decriminal­ize certain plant-based psychedeli­cs like psilocybin mushrooms. There’s no logical reason to decriminal­ize ibogaine but not LSD. There are political reasons to do so, though. Because this is California, “plant-based” just goes down better here, I guess.

I suspect there will probably also be some more tiptoeing around CEQA reform, because even the most full-fledged partisan hack legislator can recognize CEQA is routinely abused and needs fixing.

Gambling will remain a heavy lift because of the money involved — and specifical­ly because big-money tribes want all of it. All of it. All. Of. It.

I could imagine progressiv­e Sacramento lawmakers being open to rethinking restrictiv­e sex work laws, but I can also imagine them convenient­ly never finding the perfect time to raise the point.

I’m less optimistic about the prospects for education reform emphasizin­g accountabi­lity and choice. The unions are constantly working on how to attack Propositio­n 13 — hint, they’re just going to call it racist over and over again and hope that works to get it repealed — and Democratic lawmakers don’t care about Black and Latino kids enough to take on the teachers unions. That’s a fact.


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