The Riverside Press-Enterprise

Study: Few rehab centers for addicted teens offer recommende­d medicine

- By Carla K. Johnson

Only 1 in 4 residentia­l treatment centers for teens offers a recommende­d medicine for opioid addiction, according to a study that exposes an important gap in care.

Posing as an aunt or uncle seeking help for a fictitious 16-year-old who survived a fentanyl overdose, researcher­s called U.S. rehabs and asked if they offered the treatment medication buprenorph­ine.

Of 160 facilities with care for teens, just 39 provided buprenorph­ine, also known by the brand name Suboxone. One hundred said they didn’t and 21 said they didn’t know.

“As somebody who’s tried to promote the use of evidenceba­sed treatments for addiction my whole career, it was jawdroppin­g,” said Dr. Todd Korthuis of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, a co-author of the study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio­n.

Teen drug use in the United States is stable or declining. But the drug supply is tainted with fentanyl, driving fatal overdoses higher and making youthful experiment­ation potentiall­y deadly.

Parents describe long, frustratin­g searches for help.

“It’s such an overwhelmi­ng situation for a parent to be in,” said Tracy Swartley of suburban Portland, Oregon, whose 19-year-old Eagle Scout son survived a fentanyl overdose and was able to start buprenorph­ine while in a residentia­l treatment program. “You realize the choice you make is going to make a massive impact on the success of your child.”

Buprenorph­ine can be a “lifesaving medication,” said Dr. Petros Levounis, an addiction psychiatri­st and president of the American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n. Considered standard care, it is the only medication approved for teens 16 and older with opioid use disorder. It works by reducing cravings so a patient can begin the work of recovery.

Despite guidelines recommendi­ng medication and evidence it prevents overdose deaths, buprenorph­ine and other treatment drugs aren’t universall­y accepted. Some believe they replace one drug with another and that abstinence is the best recovery path. Other research suggests only two-thirds of rehab centers for adults offer medication.

The survey was done last year, before a new law eliminated the need for doctors to get a special waiver to prescribe it. That change may improve access, said Levounis, who was not involved in the research. Residentia­l care is not the only alternativ­e, he said, and parents should start by getting an evaluation from an addiction specialist.

In the study, the “secret shoppers” called more than 300 facilities listed on a government website as providing residentia­l care for teens. They ran into wrong numbers, adults-only facilities and a few that didn’t answer the phone. The 160 centers in the study were not identified.

The researcher­s found youth rehabs were just as likely to offer art, music or horse therapy as they were to offer buprenorph­ine.

Based on their results, the average parent would have to make nine phone calls to find a facility offering the medicine to a 16-year-old, said study co-author Dr. Caroline King, an emergency medicine resident at Yale University in New Haven.

“These families have to do a lot of legwork,” King said.

The “secret shopper” strategy may have missed some rehabs that provide the medication, King acknowledg­ed. But researcher­s also heard misinforma­tion about buprenorph­ine, said King who posed as a concerned aunt when she made calls.

“A lot of people told us crazy things,” King recalled, “like ‘It’s the worst thing you could do for your kid. Don’t trust your doctor.’”

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