The Riverside Press-Enterprise

Palestinia­n-israeli violence has been simmering for months

- By Aaron Boxerman

It had been years since Israel had experience­d the kind of violence taking place Saturday. But tensions between Israelis and Palestinia­ns have been surging for months, as have warnings of the risk of all-out war.

Most of the recent focus has been on the occupied West Bank, where recurring Israeli military operations have sparked frequent gunbattles with Palestinia­n militants. Israel and Palestinia­n militants in the Gaza Strip have also fought smaller tit-for-tat engagement­s.

APRIL An Israeli police raid at the Al-aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem prompted Palestinia­n rocket fire from Gaza. Unusually, militants also fired rockets from Lebanon — across Israel’s volatile northern border — raising fears of a wider war.

The Israeli military responded with airstrikes in southern Lebanon and against Gaza targets belonging to Hamas, the Palestinia­n militant group that controls the coastal enclave. But neither side escalated the violence, and the situation slowly calmed.

MAY >> Israel and the Iranbacked Islamic Jihad militant group fought a short battle — the second in less than a year. After the death in an Israeli prison of Khader Adnan, a hunger-striking Palestinia­n militant, Islamic Jihad launched a barrage of rockets.

A week later, Israeli airstrikes killed three top Islamic Jihad leaders, setting off another round of fighting. The violence lasted only a few days, with Israel killing Islamic Jihad commanders in targeted airstrikes and Palestinia­n militants firing rocket barrages at Israeli cities. But Hamas, whose capabiliti­es and weapons outstrip those of Islamic Jihad, mostly stayed out of the fighting.

The violence subsided after a cease-fire was mediated by Egypt and the United Nations.

JULY The Israeli army conducted a large-scale incursion in Jenin, a city in the northern West Bank, in what it said was an effort to root out Palestinia­n militants. The operation — which included the most intense airstrikes on the occupied West Bank in nearly two decades, and the dispatchin­g of hundreds of ground troops into Jenin — killed at least 12 Palestinia­ns and one Israeli soldier, and sent thousands fleeing from their homes.

SEPTEMBER >> An unusual series of clashes, sometimes violent, took place near the fence that divides Gaza from Israeli territory. According to the Israeli army, Palestinia­ns hurled explosive devices and opened fire on Israeli soldiers. At least one Palestinia­n was killed in the clashes, and dozens were wounded, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

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