The Riverside Press-Enterprise

He’s got a plan for cities that flood: Stop fighting the water

- By Richard Schiffman

Cities around the world face a daunting challenge in the era of climate change: Supercharg­ed rainstorms are turning streets into rivers, flooding subway systems and inundating residentia­l neighborho­ods, often with deadly consequenc­es.

Kongjian Yu, a landscape architect and professor at Peking University, is developing what might seem like a counterint­uitive response: Let the water in.

“You cannot fight water,” he said. “You have to adapt to it.”

Instead of putting in more drainage pipes, building flood walls and channeling rivers between concrete embankment­s, which is the usual approach to managing water, Yu wants to dissipate the destructiv­e force of floodwater­s by slowing them and giving them room to spread out.

Yu calls the concept “sponge city” and says it’s like “doing tai chi with water,” a reference to the Chinese martial art in which an opponent’s energy and moves are redirected, not resisted.

“It’s a whole philosophy, a new way of dealing with water,” he said.

Through his Beijingbas­ed company, Turenscape, one of the world’s largest landscape architectu­re firms, Yu has overseen the developmen­t of hundreds of landscaped urban water parks in China where runoff from flash floods is diverted to soak into the ground or be absorbed into constructe­d wetlands.

Yu said growing up in a village in Zhejiang province toward the end of the Cultural Revolution showed him how earlier generation­s in rural China had “made friends with water.” Farmers in his region built terraces, berms and ponds to direct and to store excess water during the rainy season.

That stood in sharp contrast to the urban landscapes in modern China. Traditiona­lly, cities in China would set aside areas capable of absorbing floodwater­s. But such nature-friendly urban design largely ended with the Industrial Revolution, Yu said. More recently, millions of acres have been paved over to build cities, some of them rising up virtually overnight.

“We’ve been using the convention­al drainage infrastruc­ture for 200 years, and we haven’t solved the flooding problem,” he said, noting that much of China has a monsoon climate subject to extremely heavy bursts of rain that pose an increasing hazard as climate change advances. That’s because warm air can hold more moisture, resulting in heavier rainstorms.

Currently, 65% of urban areas in China experience some degree of flooding each year, according to Yu. The country is currently the world’s largest producer

of greenhouse gases. The United States is the largest historical emitter.

“The concrete drainage systems that came here from the West just can’t handle it,” Yu said. “We need a new solution.”

The sponge city program was formally inaugurate­d by President Xi Jinping in 2015, with pilot projects in 16 Chinese cities, and has since expanded to more than 640 sites in 250 municipali­ties around the country.

You can see the concept in Houtan Park, a mile-long strip of greenery along the Huangpu River in Shanghai that Yu designed on a former industrial site.

Terraces planted with bamboo and native forbs and grasses are bisected by wooden walkways that zigzag among ponds and constructe­d wetlands. The wetlands filter water, slow the river’s flow and provide habitat for waterfowl and spawning fish.

The goal, at least on paper, is that by 2030, 70% of the rain that falls on China’s sponge cities during extreme weather events should be absorbed locally rather than accumulate in the streets.

Whether enough land can be converted is a key question.

Edmund Penning-rowsell, a research associate at the University of Oxford who focuses on water security, said the scale of the sponge city projects would have to be huge to cope with flooding on their own. “Take New York City,” he said. “How many Central Parks would you need to absorb this kind of problem? You’d probably need half of Manhattan.”

Zhengzhou, in northeaste­rn China on the banks of the Yellow River, was an

enthusiast­ic early adopter of the sponge city concept, spending hundreds of millions of dollars building related projects from 2016 to 2021. But torrential rains inundated much of the city in July 2021, creating scenes of destructio­n and killing hundreds, including at least 14 in a subway tunnel.

Why were the floods so disastrous in Zhengzhou? Yu said some of the money earmarked for sponge projects was diverted to other programs and that the land set aside for them was insufficie­nt. If permeable surfaces or green spaces make up 20% to 40% of a city’s area, he said, “you can virtually solve the problem of urban inundation.”

Niall Kirkwood, a professor of landscape architectu­re at Harvard who has known Yu for years, acknowledg­ed that it can be difficult, and sometimes impossible, to convert land in city centers that have already been densely built. Still, he said, Yu’s impact as a innovator has been incalculab­le.

“He’s created a clear and elegant idea of enhancing nature, of partnershi­p with nature, that everyone — the man on the street, the mayor of a city, an engineer, even a child — can understand,” Kirkwood said.

Where large tracts of land are not available, sponge city projects are replacing concrete and asphalt with permeable pavement, installing green roofs and creating trenches called bioswales that channel stormwater runoff and use vegetation to filter out debris and pollution.

The sponge city concept is not unique to China. One of Yu’s projects abroad is the Benjakitti Forest Park, a maze of ponds, trees and miniature islands in Bangkok

that was opened to the public in 2022 and occupies more than 100 acres on the site of a former tobacco factory.

Separately, in 2007, the Dutch government began a program called Room for the River that consists of more than 30 projects around four rivers, including the Rhine. The idea is to restore natural flood plains in key areas around sites that need protection. The Danish capital, Copenhagen, is using “floodable parks” that turn into temporary ponds during heavy rains. Philadelph­ia and Malmo, Sweden, also have projects.

In addition to flood control,

these projects have the advantage of being an inexpensiv­e way to recharge local aquifers and a low-tech adaptation to help overheated city neighborho­ods, because evaporatin­g water has a cooling effect.

John Beardsley, the curator of the Oberlander Internatio­nal Landscape Architectu­re Prize, which was awarded to Yu last year, echoed Kirkwood, saying Yu’s impact on policy in China, a country that has been more likely to imprison environmen­tal activists than take their messages to heart, has been astonishin­g.

Beardsley attributes this to Yu’s adroit political skills

and infectious enthusiasm, as well as the Chinese government’s powerful incentive to appear to be addressing the problem of urban flooding, which has grown alarmingly in recent years.

“Kongjian has managed to be very critical of the government’s environmen­tal policies while still maintainin­g his practice and his academic appointmen­ts,” he said. “He’s both brave and deft in this regard, threading a very narrow needle.”

“Sponge cities isn’t a total solution, but it makes a significan­t impact,” Beardsley said. “I mean, we need to start doing something.”

 ?? COURTESY THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE FOUNDATION VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? The Cultural Landscape Foundation, the site of Benjakitti Forest Park in Bangkok in 2020. A landscape architect in China has a surprising strategy to help manage surges of water from storms supercharg­ed by climate change.
COURTESY THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE FOUNDATION VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES The Cultural Landscape Foundation, the site of Benjakitti Forest Park in Bangkok in 2020. A landscape architect in China has a surprising strategy to help manage surges of water from storms supercharg­ed by climate change.

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