The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Justice served on ‘stop and frisk’

- RUTH MARCUS Ruth Marcus is a syndicated columnist with the Washington Post Writers Group. Readers may email her at

A healthy criminal justice system — one that is simultaneo­usly effective and fair — demands neither too much discretion nor too little. Monday’s welcome news about stopand-frisk searches and mandatory minimum drug sentences illuminate­s both aspects of that moral imperative.

On the unbridled discretion end of the spectrum, District Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled that New York City’s aggressive stopand-frisk program violates the constituti­onal prohibitio­n against unreasonab­le search and seizure as well as its guarantee of equal protection.

To read Scheindlin’s opinion is to feel sympathy both for the innocent targets of the unconstitu­tional stops and the police instructed to carry them out.

The targets are the easy part. To take just one example: Devin Almonor, a Manhattan high school student, was stopped when he was walking down a Harlem street on a Saturday night, pushed onto the hood of a police car, handcuffed and taken to the precinct.

“What are you doing?” Almonor asked the officers as he was being frisked. “I’m going home. I’m a kid.”

But sympathy for the cops, who in Scheindlin’s recounting are often overeager to make stops and abusive in conducting them? Yes, because they are both pressured from above to make stops, lots of them, and burdened with too much discretion in deciding whom to stop. Scheindlin’s opinion documents how the relentless drive for numbers trickled down from commander to rank-and-file.

When officers bothered to fill out forms justifying stops, they checked off boxes with loose justificat­ions such as “furtive movements” or “suspicious bulge/object.” People were questioned simply because of the suspicious fact of meeting a generalize­d descriptio­n — young black male, 18 to 24 — in a highcrime area, with scant review of whether such stops were constituti­onal.

Such a combinatio­n is problemati­c standing alone. Fold in race — blacks and Hispanics account for about half the city’s population but 83 percent of those searched — and it becomes a toxic recipe for community resentment.

The city has argued that the race of those stopped mirror the racial compositio­n of those involved in committing crimes. If anything, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in June, police “disproport­ionately stop whites too much and minorities too little.”

This dismissive attitude undervalue­s the corrosive impact of a stop-and-frisk program that is both inadequate­ly supervised and racially skewed. Police stops are not airport securi- ty checks, an inconvenie­nce that everyone must undergo in the interest of public safety. They are more intrusive, humiliatin­g and targeted.

“No one should live in fear of being stopped whenever he leaves his home to go about the activities of daily life,” Scheindlin wrote.

New York City is a far safer place than it was several decades ago; Bloomberg may be correct, as he said in decrying the decision, that stop and frisk “has saved countless lives,” most of them those of “black and Hispanic young men.”

But Scheindlin did not order an end to stop and frisk. She ordered that it be conducted more carefully, with more training before the fact and more supervisio­n afterward.

Attorney General Eric Holder’s announceme­nt on mandatory minimum sentences dealt with the opposite problem: inadequate discretion when it comes to sentencing, once again an issue with racial overtones.

Holder described a nation “coldly efficient in our incarcerat­ion efforts,” with a prison population that has grown by almost 800 percent since 1980 and almost half of the inmates serving time for drug-related crimes.

Holder singled out “draconian mandatory minimum sentences” for drug crimes. “Because they oftentimes generate unfairly long sentences, they breed disrespect for the system,” Holder said. “When applied indiscrimi­nately, they do not serve public safety.”

And, as with stop and frisk, there is a racial element bound up in mandatory minimum laws. As Holder noted, “They ... have had a destabiliz­ing effect on particular communitie­s, largely poor and of color.”

Holder said he was instructin­g federal prosecutor­s to stop using mandatory minimum laws against “low-level, nonvio- lent drug offenders who have no ties to large-scale organizati­ons, gangs or cartels.”

This is a useful step; an even better approach would be to restore more flexibilit­y to judges. In the Senate, two bipartisan odd couples — Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin and Utah Republican Mike Lee, and Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy and Kentucky Republican Rand Paul — have introduced measures to give judges more power to override mandatory minimums.

Leahy and Paul describe their broader measure as a “safety valve” in the current, rigid system, and that is a useful metaphor. Because true justice encompasse­s both rules and discretion; it provides certainty and safety valve.

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