The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)


Friends take lead roles in drama club production

- By Joseph Phelan jphelan@digitalfir­ @jphelan13 on Twitter

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. >> Four friends have shared the stage over the years, but in their last show together — for the first time — they each have a lead role.

Izzi Cavotta, Matthew Boyce, Henry Sinnott and Samantha Casner found out in November they were cast, respectful­ly, as Scarecrow, Lion, Tinman and Dorothy for the Saratoga Springs High School Drama Club’s performanc­e of “The Wiz.”

“It’s a dream come true. We have been wanting to do this for so long,” said Casner. “All four of us have grown up together and it didn’t take long to develop that bond [as main characters] between the four of us because we’ve had it all these years anyway.”

“I remember we all texted each other saying, ‘Oh my God, we’re the four in The Wiz,’” said Sinnott. “It was such a great moment.”

The four did shows together in elementary and middle school as well as three previous musicals in high school.

“It’s just we’ve all grown up, so it’s really sentimenta­l to finally see it come to an end, which is kind of sad,” said Boyce.

Cavotta, who plans to pursue acting at Chapman University in Orange County, California, believes each part is specific to the four best friends.

“It’s awesome because, honestly, in each character you can see a little bit of us, so it’s really cool to just be able to have fun with them and being able to portray something that I love,” said Cavotta.

Casner, who plans to attend college in Florida, said it’s an honor to play Dorothy.

“This is definitely one of my dream roles to get to play,” said Casner. “The big, main role I’ve been waiting for.”

Boyce, who plans to study the music industry next fall, said he always loved the Cowardly Lion growing up.

“He’s kind of scared of the outside world, but deep down inside he always had the courage to conquer — he just needs to find it,” said Boyce.

Show producer Candace Calvin knows the seniors very well because she directed middle school performanc­es.

“Seeing them so grown up. It’s such an awesome group of kids,” said Calvin. “I’m just thrilled to be working with them now that they are on their way to college. They are having a blast.”

Every year the Schenectad­y Light Opera Company judges area shows. Last year, Saratoga Springs high school won the best performanc­e for “Bye Bye Birdie.”

Show director Bob Berenis has done shows at the high school for 20 years.

“We are probably the most successful of all the high schools in the area as far as that’s concerned, but to me that doesn’t matter so much as they really entertain their audiences. We step up the game,” said Berenis. “We tell them we want more than the average high school can give, so we push them.”

Berenis said he tells his cast to rise above mediocrity.

“We want you to be great and you can be great and I think that’s really important. It’s an important lesson because no matter what they do in life, it’s great to try to give it 100 percent and try to be the best you can possibly be,” said Berenis. “And it’s amazing how they respond. It really is incredible how these young brains do respond. It’s a beautiful thing to see.”

About 120 people, from the pit orchestra to stage crew, are involved in the production.

“I get attached to these kids. They are great kids. They make a great team. Theater is teamwork,” said Berenis. “They are all friends and they are all supportive of one another, which is really great to see.”

Another senior, Nicole Ecker, couldn’t be more thrilled to play Glinda in The Wiz.

“I’ve waited for a long time to have a chance to show my talent, and I think this part as Glinda, I can kind of relate to her cause she likes to help people a lot,” said Ecker. “And I like to help my friends whenever they are in need.”

It’s an emotional time for the senior class participat­ing in its final musical. Ecker said it’s very sad, but it’s been the best four years of her life.

“It’s been a good run,” added Boyce. “It’s been good fun.”

The Wiz debuts Thursday March 16 at 7 p.m. with performanc­es March 17 at 7:30 p.m. and March 18 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at Loewenberg Auditorium. Tickets are $12 for adults, $7 for senior citizens and $7 for students. Tickets are available online at Brown Paper Tickets and are also available at the door prior to each show.

 ?? PHOTOS BY JOSEPH PHELAN — JPHELAN@DIGITALFIR­STMEDIA.COM ?? Izzi Cavotta (Scarecrow), Samantha Casner (Dorothy), Henry Sinnott (Tinman) and Matthew Boyce (Lion) are starring in “The Wiz.”
PHOTOS BY JOSEPH PHELAN — JPHELAN@DIGITALFIR­STMEDIA.COM Izzi Cavotta (Scarecrow), Samantha Casner (Dorothy), Henry Sinnott (Tinman) and Matthew Boyce (Lion) are starring in “The Wiz.”
 ??  ?? “The Wiz” debuts March 16 at 7 p.m.
“The Wiz” debuts March 16 at 7 p.m.

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