The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

American life can be threatenin­g

- Richard Cohen Columnist Richard Cohen’s email address is cohenr@washpost. com.

Call her Seo-yeon. She’s an infant, cute as could be, and she will be born in the city of Busan, South Korea, in the year 2030. When she emits her first cry, this statistica­l abstract will have a life expectancy of about 90. Maddison, on the other hand, born the same year but in, say, Kansas City, will die seven years earlier. The cause of death? Being an American.

Being an American is life threatenin­g. For various reasons, men and women here don’t live as long as they do in about two dozen other countries, including the ones we defeated in World War II — Japan, Germany and Italy. Americans have high rates of obesity, drug addiction and car accidents. Moreover, we’re more apt to use guns to settle disputes and not, as we are all told in nursery school, our words. There is yet another reason and it is mentioned in all the reports on longevity: the American health care system. It stinks.

The Lancet, the British medical journal, came up with the longevity projection­s. In South Korea, as in much of the affluent world, if you get sick, you see a doctor. There is no worrying about money and you cannot go broke on account of illness. You could call this “South Korean exceptiona­lism,” except that it is America that is exceptiona­l when it comes to health care.

Now we are engaged in a great health care debate. For reasons having nothing to do with either health or care, the Republican Party, under the indifferen­t guidance of President Trump, is attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. The president doesn’t know what he is doing because he doesn’t care what he is doing. He just wants to win — or, actually, claim victory. In May 2015, he vowed, “I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” You don’t hear that now if for no other reason than it seems cuts are coming.

One reason that cute kid in South Korea is going to live longer than that just-as-cute kid in Kansas City is infant mortality. Among the richest countries, the U.S. has an infant mortality rate of 5.8 per 1,000 births. That’s very low compared to, say, Afghanista­n (112.8) but not so good compared to Canada (4.6), France (3.3), Great Britain (4.3), Israel (3.5) or, as you might have guessed, South Korea (3.0). Our infant mortality rate, a function of available health care, ought to be a national embarrassm­ent. Yet, if it has been mentioned in the current health care debate, I haven’t noticed.

It has been years — maybe going back to Lincoln — since the Republican Party gave much thought to the poor, but this year its indifferen­ce has turned to cruelty. Clearly, whatever emerges from the current bill, the poor will not be the beneficiar­y. Indeed, according to various accounts, they will suffer. This is particular­ly poignant since many of them voted for Trump, believing his cockamamie promises and admiring his cock-of-thewalk strut.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, RUtah, was on to something when he suggested that the poor made dumb choices. His bizarre example was their choosing a cellphone over health insurance. This was Chaffetz at his let-them-eatcake best since, I bet, he’s emotionall­y attached to his own cellphone. But he is right about the poor. The electoral choice so many of them made is going to cost them plenty. Trump does not care about them. Let them eat Mar-aLago.

Some years ago, T.R. Reid, my former Washington Post colleague, went around the world with a bum shoulder. What would it cost to fix it? he asked in various countries. In all of them — Japan, Britain, Germany, India, Taiwan, France, etc. — he got amazing answers: very little and sometimes nothing. He learned that in almost any affluent nation, health care is guaranteed. Some of these countries have socialized plans, some don’t, but what matters is that they work. None of these plans is perfect and they are not cheap. But in all of them, health care is a right. You get sick, you get better — often on the house.

Republican­s and others who are in anguish over the possibilit­y of socialized medicine ought to have to explain their ideology to a mother with a sick newborn. They ought to have to explain how this nation can debate health care and not mention how abysmal ours is. Finally, they ought to picture themselves explaining to Maddison why she will die sooner than Seo-yeon. It’s because she’s an American.

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