The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Why couch potatoes grow into stupidity

- Randy Cale Dr. Randy Cale, a Clifton Park-based parenting expert, author, speaker and licensed psychologi­st, offers practical guidance for a host of parenting concerns. His website, www.TerrificPa­, offers free parenting guidance and an email ne

In recent years, we have seen our educationa­l systems move toward dropping physical education from the curriculum to increase time on academics. This has not produced the results hoped for, and some exciting research in the neuroscien­ces are suggesting a possible cause. What is Neurogenes­is? Neurogenes­is is the growth and developmen­t of neurons in the brain. Contrary to prior beliefs, neuron growth doesn’t end in early childhood, but continues through our lifespan. However, for most adults, the number of new brain neurons produced each day is often exceeded by the number of neurons dying. This ultimately plays a role in memory decline and dementia.

For your family, in later childhood and adolescenc­e, the number of brain cells lost and gained are about equal producing a net zero effect.

There’s exciting new research that has found it is now clear that neurogenes­is is happening every day in the part of the brain that is (among other things) responsibl­e for memory (i.e., hippocampu­s). In other words, there are new, ready to use memory neurons being produced daily, if we are prepared to take action.

Use It or Lose It: Exercise and Neurogenes­is

The saying “use it or lose it” has existed for years in the sports world. If you don’t use muscle tone, you lose it. Now, it appears the same can be said about our brains. In fact, the brain can most accurately be referred to as a muscle that requires regular ‘exercise’ to stay strong.

What we didn’t know is that this exercise applies to both the mental work out of the brain, as well as the physical workout of the body. Prior studies have found that aging adults who ‘exercise’ their brains in challengin­g ways tend to be immune to cognitive declines.

However, research has now shown that physical exercise stimulates brain cell growth above the average rates, regardless of age. Getting our hearts pumping allows us to not only produce more brain cells, but also permits us to take advantage of those new cells. We focus better, we are more adaptable and we learn better. Our memory improves after some serious exercise.

This is remarkably good news. For students, we now know that they will learn better and perform better with regular, challengin­g exercise. Their brains will not only produce more brain cells, but when they go the classroom AFTER exercise, their brains are optimized for learning. School districts that have canted their curriculum to a continued commitment on physical wellbeing have seen remarkable improvemen­ts in student performanc­e, as well as student behavior. It appears that we need to move for our brains to improve.

Why Couch Potatoes Grow into Stupidity

Couch potatoes (young or old) have two inherent characteri­stics. First, they are usually avoiding exercise and spend excess time being sedentary. Secondly, they are ‘tranced out’ watching TV or playing a game.

Thus, they are not exercising their bodies or their brains. These two characteri­stics appear to be the best possible formula for wasting brain cells. (Perhaps you could add excess alcohol and lack of social connection, and then you would have the ultimate formula for wasting a good brain and destroying a potentiall­y great life.)

Thus, your instincts have been and continue to be correct. It’s not good if you are growing a couch potatoe in your home. If your son or daughter is hanging out on the sofa, or laying on their bed for hours, it’s time for a change. Take control of that life sucking stuff that steals their attention and their brain cells. Require some movement, and you’ll end up with a better attitude, a better body and a better performing student.

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