The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

World’s #2 Smartest Man Reveals Secret “Genius Pill”

Supercharg­e your brain and think better than ever.


BREAKING NEWS: He has one of the highest IQ scores ever recorded.

He beats Einstein and Stephen Hawking in the genius directory.

Yet you have probably never heard of Rick Rosner, officially the world’s second smartest man.

Some experts say it’s because his intelligen­ce was almost by accident, the result of an unusual “smart pill” he takes every morning.

And he agrees. “This pill makes my brain work better,” says Rosner. “By preventing or slowing the brain’s inevitable aging process, it’s sort of like being smarter.”

New Brain-Booster Flying Off Shelves

Al Sears, M.D., recently released a brain-boosting supplement based on this pill that has become so popular, he’s having trouble keeping it in stock.

Dr. Sears is the author of over 500 scientific papers on anti-aging and recently spoke at the WPBF 25 Health & Wellness Festival featuring Dr. Oz and special guest Suzanne Somers. Thousands of people listened to Dr. Sears speak on his anti-aging breakthrou­ghs and attended his book signing at the event.

All told, 27,432 bottles of this pill have been sold — and everyone who takes it reports similar mind-blowing results.

Multiple Studies With Shocking Results

One study found it doubled the memory and cognitive function of 430 patients in just 24 weeks. Another study published in Neurology found it not only stopped age-related brain shrinkage in over a thousand seniors, it even boosted brain size, especially in the brain’s memory center.

UCLA researcher­s analyzed brain scans from 265 seniors who took this smart pill and compared the group to the placebo and found on average, this made their brains 28 years younger. And that’s with just a single weekly dose. Imagine what it could do for you if you took it every day!

One of Dr. Sears’ patients from West Palm Beach, Florida, was very concerned when his memory started slipping. “I was worried when I started blanking out on things that used to be routine. All those ‘senior moments’ started way too young. But they suddenly stopped when I started taking Omega Rejuvenol. Now, I feel my focus and memory are back at age-30 levels.”

And then there’s Pete, age 69, who had suffered from progressiv­ely weaker memory for 11 years. At one point he was unable to remember his locker combinatio­n. But within four months of taking this smart pill, he’s now a math wizard. In fact, he went back to work as a CPA at a large corporatio­n.

The best part is, the supplement has no adverse side effects, you don’t need a prescripti­on or a doctor’s visit, and it’s 100% natural.

Powerful ‘Nootropic’ Vital To Brain Health

“Omega Rejuvenol is a true wonder drug for brain health,” said Dr. Sears. “This ‘nootropic’ substantia­lly increases brain volume while supporting mental sharpness and memory.”

“The key ingredient of my smart pill is a little-known fatty acid called DHA. Scientists are just beginning to recognize this nutrient as the world’s most powerful ‘nootropic.’”

Your brain is almost entirely made up of fats, 60% of which is DHA. And DHA is essential because it helps your brain grow new branches and renew and rejuvenate itself so you can keep your brain power and sharp thinking.

Top scientists acknowledg­e we don’t get enough DHA in our modern diet. Over the last several decades, our food supply has dramatical­ly changed. DHA is no longer as available as it used to be, not even in fish oil or fish.

The Search For Better DHA

So Dr. Sears went looking for better, more concentrat­ed sources of omega-3 DHA. And he found it where nobody else was looking… literally at the bottom of the earth.

Krill are tiny shrimp-like creatures that swim in huge biomasses in the pure, cold waters near the South Pole.

Nature magazine hails them as the basic source of energy for almost all marine life in the world’s oceans.

It turns out that DHA found in krill oil is able to penetrate into nearly every cell in your body in a far superior way than fish oil. In a study published in Nutrition

Research, krill oil, fish oil and olive oil were compared to see which one raised omega-3 levels higher.

Seventy-six people took 2 grams of krill oil, fish oil or olive oil every day for four weeks — then their omega-3 levels were tested. The results were surprising, to say the least.

Those taking olive oil saw their omega-3s rise 2.9%. Those taking fish oil saw their omega-3s rise 131.8%. But those taking krill oil saw their omega3s skyrocket 178.4%. That’s 30% MORE omega-3s absorbed from krill oil than from fish oil!

Second Source Of Rare, Potent DHA

Omega Rejuvenol also includes a second unique source of omega-3. The Argentinia­n squid thrives by the billions in the icy, pure waters off the tip of South America.

What got Dr. Sears’ attention is this mighty mollusk is loaded with DHA. “After this special squid oil is processed, it delivers over 65% DHA — the highest concentrat­ion of DHA ever achieved in natural medicine!” said Dr. Sears.

DHA is a lifesaver because every one of your cells has built-in receptors that absorb it, and every one of your cells craves it. Fueling your body with high levels of DHA can do wonders for your health, and your brain in particular.

With this first-ever combinatio­n, you can flood every cell in your brain with the world’s most powerful “nootropic” and get the full range of brain-boosting benefits it has to offer.

Where To Find Omega Rejuvenol

Right now, the only way to get this powerful one-two punch for a sharp memory and brain-boosting benefits is with Dr. Sears’ breakthrou­gh Omega Rejuvenol formula.

To secure bottles of this hot, new nootropic, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-888-355-0756 within the next 48 hours. “It takes time to get bottles shipped out to drug stores,” said Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship the product directly to the customer.”

Dr. Sears feels so strongly about this product, he offers a 100%, money-back guarantee on every order. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days, and I’ll send you your money back,” said Dr. Sears.

The Hotline will be taking orders for the next 48 hours. After that, the phone number will be shut down to allow them to restock.

Call 1-888-355-0756 to secure your limited supply of Omega Rejuvenol. You don’t need a prescripti­on, and those who call in the first 24 hours qualify for a significan­t discount. To take advantage of this great offer use Promo Code NPORJULY88 when you call in.

 ??  ?? Dr. Al Sears with fellow physician Dr. Oz at the WPBF 25 Health & Wellness Festival held recently in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Dr. Al Sears with fellow physician Dr. Oz at the WPBF 25 Health & Wellness Festival held recently in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

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