The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Readers share their thoughts


Find out what the hot takes of the day are on local issues.

Local elections have become more important than ever. In a worst-case scenario, local government­s constitute our primary protection against tyranny. The American system wisely places them in a position to slow down any hostile takeover from above, thus affording citizens what could be the crucial time needed to salvage their freedom.

Unfortunat­ely, that worstcase scenario is frightenin­gly close. We are in the midst of the political equivalent of a disastrous hurricane. For the first time in our history, the President is blatantly hostile to democratic institutio­ns and openly courts society’s most divisive elements. He cares nothing about reaching out and expanding his base but instead emboldens its angriest fringe. Since he didn’t win the popular vote he claims that the last presidenti­al election was rigged; except of course for states he carried. For the next presidenti­al election, he has appointed a special commission to supposedly investigat­e fraud; in other words, to remove from the voting rolls as many likely opponents as possible. A recent Washington Post poll indicated that 52% of his party’s rank-in-file, would support him if he used the voter fraud ruse [ proper interpreta­tion: if he thinks his reelection is in jeopardy] to cancel the 2020 election!

Ignoring this year’s local elections may be disastrous. Remember, they also provide a farm system for politician­s who draw legislativ­e boundaries. Current GOP control of both Congress and the nation’s state legislatur­es is a consequenc­e of highly partisan and gerrymande­red districts. Only a resurgence of interest in local politics can undue it.

Yet, the most important reason to vote, is to send a resounding message to all GOP candidates. Their party is responsibl­e for subjecting our country to this nightmare, and without a price to be paid there will be no slowing down what it has so callously set in place. Al Ormsby Saratoga Springs

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