The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

What did you do?

- Richard Cohen Columnist Richard Cohen’s email address is

Both women are successful. One is a lawyer, a partner in a prosperous New York firm. The other is a showbusine­ss personalit­y, famous but not street-stoppingly so. We met at an event in New York and quickly the talk turned to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. This was days before last week’s testimony from him and Christine Blasey Ford, and so there were no questions about how he did or about his anger, his crying or his startling partisansh­ip. Nonetheles­s, both women declared themselves willing to march on Washington there and then, and I was certain they could have gotten at least to Delaware, on anger alone. Gentlemen, a revolution is underway.

I’ve heard their sentiment echoed in conversati­ons with other women across the nation over the past few weeks. I heard it in their anger, which is no longer an expression of mere disappoint­ment, a low murmur of discontent, but a roar of sheer fury. “What can I do?” one of them asked, both angry and at a loss. She is a top executive, almost running a vast organizati­on. But she reports to a man, as she has done most of her life. She thinks of herself and her female coworkers as the invisible structure upholding a maledomina­ted facade.

She is also at a loss as to what to do. She wants to do something huge, something that makes a difference, something that shakes society violently, whiplashin­g those who complacent­ly believe that a bit more diversity, a bit more #MeToo, will alone make all the difference.

I opposed Kavanaugh’s nomination from the start for the way he had mistreated Monica Lewinsky when he worked for that Peeping Tom, Ken Starr. If anything, Kavanaugh’s testimony last week offered further proof that the motive for the Starr investigat­ion was not Bill Clinton’s misdemeano­rish perjury, but his sex life.

But the fury I have heard these past few weeks has nothing to do with Lewinsky and everything to with Kavanaugh. He is a man. He is a white man. He is an entitled man. Indeed, last Thursday, Kavanaugh repeatedly complained about how he had punched all the right tickets academical­ly, athletical­ly, scholastic­ally and morally and yet he was being questioned about something he had allegedly done in high school. Someone had changed the rules on him.

None of the women I talked with said, “You don’t get it.” But I didn’t — not entirely and I certainly underappre­ciated their anger. My handicap is huge. I am a white male. I have seen the world through the constraini­ng lens of my own identity. This obviously applies to women, too — but they have been nearly invisibliz­ed for much of history, seen by themselves but not, except in the usual way, by men.

So over the weekend, I delved into Rebecca Traister’s new book, “Good and Mad.” It was already a best-seller on Amazon before it was released. She extolls female fury. The book is occasional­ly reckless, indiscrimi­nate in its rolling criticism of the “Beltway press,” but Traister is right about so much, especially rage and how it’s not accepted in our society for women to show it. Imagine if Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., had vented the way Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., had. Imagine, further, if Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., had, like Graham, been a Trump critic one day and his dear friend the next. You know the dreadful labels. Harris: another angry black woman. Klobuchar: another dizzy dame.

For many women, the election of Donald Trump itself was enraging, a betrayal. He had belittled women, objectifie­d them, cheated on them, traded juvenilia with Howard Stern and seemed, in general, to have fallen to earth from inside a 30-year-old Playboy magazine. A majority of white college-educated women voted for one of their own while a majority of white non-college-educated women voted for him — a classic example of how those who have less expect less.

This moment is not likely to pass. Women’s anger will not subside. Many older white men will not wise up because they are trapped in their own skin and experience­s. The very hard work of thinking this through — of rerouting ossified synapses — will not be done. It is more comforting for some of them to rely on bromides and use the appalling sexist formulas of yesteryear for explanatio­ns.

But like Sen. Jeff Flake, RAriz., who was confronted last week by protesters in an elevator, there is no escape. The revolution, gentlemen, is here.

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