The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Fade to Gray: Just another ordinary cop

- John Gray John Gray is a news anchor on WXXA-Fox TV 23 and ABC’S WTEN News Channel 10. His column is published every Wednesday. Email him at

I stopped to grab myself a fountain drink at a local convenienc­e store the other day and found myself next to one of those ordinary, everyday, blue collar, hard-working cops.

I knew he was a police officer because he was in uniform trying to get himself something cold to drink. It was a bright sunny day with the temperatur­e pushing 90 degrees outside so shade and ice cold beverages of any sort were what everyone craved.

I was dressed for the weather in shorts and a light cotton tshirt but the police officer, whom I didn’t know, was not. He had on the heavy dark blue pants that cops wear with a thick dress shirt. It was puffed up a bit so it seems likely he had a bullet proof vest on underneath.

I don’t know if cops are required to wear them every moment they’re on duty but I sure know if I was a police officer I’d have a vest on while working. It had to be hot, especially that day.

As he filled his cup with ice and Mountain Dew I waited patiently and noticed the thick black belt around his waist. On that belt his service gun snapped safely in place. It looked like he had a Taser gun on the belt as well, what appeared to be a flashlight and some other things I couldn’t identify. I never realized until that moment that police officers are weighed down by a lot of stuff.

I thought I’ll have to remember that the next time one of them has to run at a full sprint after a suspect who just hurt someone or if they have to dive into a river to rescue someone who is drowning.

We exchanged “hellos” and I asked him if things were quiet today and he said, “So far yes thank goodness.” He paused a moment and didn’t finish that thought but I could read his mind. What he was going to say is, “But that will likely change on a hot day like this. Tempers flare, people drink too much alcohol and the quiet day suddenly becomes dangerous fast.” When you’re in law enforcemen­t every day can become dangerous fast.

The regular, every day, garden variety cop made his way to the line of people waiting to pay. It was busy being lunchtime so checking out wouldn’t be quick for anyone. I looked over hoping people anxious to ring up their potato chips and donuts would see him and wave him ahead of them in line. Or at least notice he only had a .99 cent soda in his hand and say, “Hey pal, I got this. Have a good day.”

Nobody noticed though, we are all busy in our own worlds and in our own heads. When it was his turn he plopped down the dollar bill and the clerk barely looked up. Just another customer. But he’s not though is he? Not really. He (or in many cases she) is the person who took a test years ago and had to score high to be considered for this job. Once chosen they got themselves in the best physical shape of their lives and went to an academy and studied hard, learning things that would someday save their lives or keep themselves out of jail.

When cops make mistakes nowadays someone gets it on video and lawsuits fly and badges and guns get turned in and sometimes cops go to jail. They can lose everything in one high-stressed second. One mistake.

The cop stood in the store surrounded by people of all walks of life who had to know he had the most dangerous of any of them. A man in a suit to his right, who looked like a banker, left the store and climbed into a car that equaled the cop’s annual salary. There was no friendly hello or wave to the officer, the welldresse­d man was probably in a hurry.

I couldn’t help but think if 10 minutes later something bad happened at the bank that same cop would be the one he’d call. He’d be happy to see and talk to him then.

I know not all police officers are perfect. Same as plumbers and car salesman and TV anchors you get a mixed bag with every walk of life. But they do take the jobs most of us would run the other way from. They walk up on cars on the side of a dark road not knowing if the person behind the wheel is last year’s prom queen or a two time felon with a gun between the seats who has no intention of going back to prison.

I have no real reason for writing this column today. I just thought you’d want to hear about the ordinary, everyday, blue-collar, hard-working cop who strapped on that heavy belt on an unbearably hot day to risk his life for all of us.

It seemed like that should have earned him this column and perhaps a free Mountain Dew.

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