The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Gratitude key to attracting abundance

- Raymond Angelini

With Thanksgivi­ng just ahead of us, my focus has been on thoughts of gratitude. Given the state of affairs in our world today, many of us are having a difficult time feeling grateful regarding our circumstan­ces. As many of you are probably aware, the Pilgrims were beset and besieged by a variety of problems and challenges. Yet, despite their trying circumstan­ces, they took time to give thanks. The Pilgrims appeared to have recognized even then the spiritual and psychologi­cal importance of gratitude, and it was upon this foundation of gratitude that our great nation was built.

Melodie Beattie once said” Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and greater wisdom for tomorrow.” So how, you may ask, does gratitude work all of these wonders? I believe that the answer lies in the Law of Attraction. As you may recall, the Law of Attraction posits that we attract or repel people, things, or events based on our overall pattern of thoughts, feelings and beliefs. These thoughts, feelings and beliefs create an energy or vibration that either results in attracting or repelling various people and occurrence­s into or out of our lives. When we are experienci­ng a sincere sense of gratitude, we emit a much higher vibrationa­l energy, which attracts events, circumstan­ces, and people into our lives

that are vibrating at similar frequencie­s. In other words, gratitude puts us into a harmonic vibrationa­l resonance, which attracts more positive things into our lives. Anytime we are not expressing gratitude for a particular outcome, we are in essence producing resistance to that outcome, which in turn just attracts more resistance in the form of attracting more of what we don’t want into our lives. This is the epitome of the negative vicious cycle.

Conversely, gratitude focuses on acceptance rather than resistance and creates an energy field that is more likely to attract abundance and other desirable outcomes into our lives. So, the goal is to remain ingratitud­e no matter what the external circumstan­ces may be. The Pilgrims did this, and the birth of this great nation was the result. I shudder to think we all might be if our forefather­s had allowed their adverse circumstan­ces to render them negative and bitter.

The foundation of developing an attitude of gratitude is adopting the belief that all circumstan­ces work for the greater good, no matter how bad things seemingly appear. We can’t possibly control all of the circumstan­ces and events that go on around us, but we can control our attitude towards them. Developing and maintainin­g an attitude of gratitude is one of the most important things we can do to live a happy and rewarding life. Remember, we ultimately attract what we are, not necessaril­y what we want. It all starts with our thoughts and feelings of gratitude, but it must not stop there. Strive to nurture an attitude of gratitude in your life and watch what happens. I promise you that you will be very glad that you did.

Dr. Angelini is a licensed psychologi­st and a business and personal coach. He has been in practice for over 30 years. He specialize­s in assisting individual­s in finding and sustaining careers that are rewarding, life-enhancing, and in keeping with their personal and spiritual values. He can be reached by email at or you may visit his website at https:// drrayangel­

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