The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Daily Bridge Club

Payment on account


“My partner is so apt to find fault,” a club player told me, “that I finally said I was fining him a quarter every time he said something critical.” “Did he agree to that?” I asked. “When we sat down to play today, he gave me $5 and said he was setting up an account.”

My long-suffering friend was East, and West led a high diamond against four spades: nine, jack, ace. South took the A-K of hearts, pitching a diamond, and led a trump. FIFTY CENTS

“I took the ace,” East said, “and tried to cash a diamond. Declarer ruffed, drew trumps and started the clubs. He lost two clubs but made his game, and my partner expended fifty cents of his credit.”

I abhor criticism of partner, but East misdefende­d. If South had a second losing diamond, he would have pitched it on dummy’s jack of hearts. Moreover, South’s pattern was then marked as 6-1-2-4. When East takes the ace of trumps, he must lead a low club. West can win, return a club and ruff a third club for down one. DAILY QUESTION You hold: A 5 10 9 6 K Q J 5 A 6 5 2. Your partner opens one spade, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: A response of 2NT (even if treated as natural and forcing) would promise a heart stopper. Bid two clubs, leaving room for partner to try two diamonds if he has length in that suit. A case exists, however, for a response of two diamonds: Your four-card suit is so strong that a high diamond contract on a 4-3 fit is conceivabl­e. East dealer Both sides vulnerable

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