The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Daily Bridge Club

Free refills?


Unlucky Louie and I were out Christmas shopping. It’s a major undertakin­g for him since he has nine kids plus a wife.

“What are you getting for Christmas?” I asked as we took a respite on a bench in the mall.

“All I want,” Louie said ruefully, “is a free refill of my wallet when I’m finally done shopping.”

Louie’s wallet is usually empty after my club’s penny game. Of course, he blames his losses on bad luck. As declarer at today’s four spades, Louie ruffed West’s second high heart, shrugged, drew trumps (spending all his trumps) and led the king of clubs. East won, and the defense cashed three hearts for down two, putting Louie a little deeper into the hole.


After Louie ruffs the second heart, he must lead the king of clubs. When East wins and returns a heart, Louie discards a diamond.

If the defense leads a fourth heart, Louie can ruff in dummy, preserving his own trumps. He wins any return, draws trumps and runs the clubs to pitch his last losing diamond.


Youhold: 7542 J1074 Q 9 6 A 5. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart, he bids two clubs and you return to two diamonds. Partner then bids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your two diamonds showed at most nine points, and partner would have passed if no game were possible. He has 16 or 17 points, probably with 1-3-5-4 pattern. A pass, which you might choose at matchpoint duplicate, or a bid of three or four diamonds is acceptable. West dealer N-S vulnerable

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